Commission Chair

Political Affiliation: Democrat
Term Ends: Dec 2028
Rochelle Garza is an attorney from the Rio Grande Valley currently serving as President of the Texas Civil Rights Project, one of the most influential legal organizations dedicated to empowering Texas communities and creating policy changes in the state.
In 2022, Rochelle Garza became the democratic nominee for Texas Attorney General on a platform focused on voting rights, reproductive rights and government accountability. She was the first Latina to be nominated in Texas history to run for Attorney General by any major party. Although she did not win, she earned the highest percentage of votes than any other statewide democratic nominee in Texas.
She is the daughter of two public school teachers. Rochelle’s mother was raised by a WWII veteran and a hard-working mother who became the manager of a municipal credit union after raising her three children. Rochelle’s father was raised on a farm by an immigrant mother and a father whose family had worked the land for multiple generations. Her father became a teacher, a lawyer and then served South Texas as an elected District Judge for 21 years. Together, they taught Rochelle to have faith, work hard, and that every person is deserving of dignity and respect.
At a young age, Rochelle learned firsthand how broken our healthcare system is. Her oldest brother, Robby, suffered a brain injury during childbirth and grew up with disabilities. Rochelle watched her parents work tirelessly to ensure Robby had the care he needed. Her mother left teaching to care for Robby. Access to affordable health care was absolutely critical. But time after time, Robby was denied coverage for his most basic needs, even a wheelchair lift to get him to school. Like so many families, Rochelle knows what it’s like to make sacrifices for the health of her family.
So she became a lawyer for the people –– fighting for the civil rights of children, immigrants and families. Rochelle has expertise in immigration, family, criminal and constitutional law. She has fought for reproductive rights for immigrant teens in detention, including the Garza v. Hargan case in which Rochelle was the guardian for Jane Doe, a pregnant 17-year-old denied the right to choose. Her work on that case resulted in the “Garza Notice,” a federal requirement that ensures teens in immigration detention control their reproductive health care choices, which is still in effect till this day.
Rochelle graduated from the University of Houston Law Center and from Brown University with honors. She lives with her husband, Adam, their toddler, and their dog, Ramses, in Brownsville, Texas.