Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
14th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 6010
Washington, DC 20230
Courtland V. Cox, Director
Tel: (202) 482-0625
Fax: (202) 482-5375
TDD: (202) 482-5691 V/TTY
Toll Free: None
Internet: e-mail:
The Office coordinates the Title VI enforcement activities of the various operating units of the Department such as the Economic Development Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. OCR also conducts studies and surveys and publishes regulations related to discrimination in agency employment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, and handicap. OCR ensures equal employment opportunity, including affirmative action, and nondiscrimination based on race, sex, national origin, color, age, religion, or disability for department employees and applicants for employment.
Geographic area(s) served: United States and territories
Type(s) of publications: EEO brochures and EEO fact sheets
Regional office(s): None