Consumer and Community Affairs Division
20th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20551-0001
Griffith L. Garwood, Director
Tel: (202) 452-2631
Fax: (202) 872-4995
TDD: None
Toll Free: None
Internet: gopher://town.hall.org:70/11/other/fed/
FRS regulates the availability of money as part of its responsibility for monetary policy. The Division is concerned with discrimination in housing and credit based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or age. Services offered include conducting surveys and studies; receiving, initiating, and investigating complaints; seeking court enforcement of orders; holding hearings, conducting training and public education programs; providing technical assistance; and publicizing findings.
Geographic area(s) served: United States and territories
Type(s) of publications: Pamphlets and manuals
Regional office(s): None