Federal Efforts to Eradicate Employment Discrimination in State and Local Governments: An Assessment of the U.S. Department of Justice's Employment Litigation Section
This report was prepared by the Office of Civil Rights Evaluation under the direction of Terri A. Dickerson, assistant staff director for civil rights evaluation. Wanda B. Johnson, who served as the 2001 project team leader, Mireille Zieseniss and Kirk Perry, civil rights analysts, researched and wrote the report. Data analysis was performed by Eileen Rudert, social scientist. Assistance for the completion of the report was given by Manuel Alba, civil rights analyst, Margaret Butler, civil rights analyst, Monique Dennis, civil rights analyst, Eileen Rudert, social scientist, and Latrice Foshee, civil rights assistant.
The legal review was performed by Kim Ball, attorney-advisor, Office of General Counsel. Editorial review was provided by Melvin Jenkins, director, Central Regional Office; Betty Edmiston, chief, Administrative Services Clearinghouse Division; and Ki-Taek Chun, director, Eastern Regional Office. Dawn Sweet, editor, prepared this report for final publication.