U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

Letter of Transmittal

            Minnesota Advisory Committee to
       the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

Members of the Commission
Mary Frances Berry, Chairperson
Cruz Reynoso, Vice Chairperson
Christopher Edley, Jr.
Yvonne Y. Lee
Elsie M. Meeks
Russell G. Redenbaugh
Victoria Wilson

Les Jin, Staff Director

The Minnesota Advisory Committee submits this report, The Status of Equal Opportunity for Minorities in Moorhead, Minnesota, as part of its responsibility to advise the Commission on civil rights issues within the state. The Advisory Committee unanimously adopted the report by an 11 0 vote.

This report contains information received by the Minnesota Advisory Committee at a public fact-finding meeting held in Moorhead, Minnesota, on May 25 and 26, 1999. The Advisory Committee is indebted to the individuals who testified at the meeting for their time and expertise and to the staff of the Midwestern Regional Office, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, for the data analysis and preparation of this report.

The Advisory Committee understands the Commission is charged to study and collect information relating to denials of the equal protection of the law, and trusts the Commission and the public will find the material in this report informative.


Alan Weinblatt, Chairperson
Minnesota Advisory Committee