The Personal
Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996:
An Examination of its Impact on
Legal Immigrants and Refugees in Rhode Island
Part II
Edited Transcript
The following is an edited transcript of the consultation that took place in Providence, Rhode Island, on February 9, 1998. The original transcript has been edited to eliminate redundancy, and improve readability and clarity without changing the substance of each presentation.
Committee members present:
Robert G. Lee, Chairperson
Lester Hilton
Steven Klamkin
Sophai Moeuy
Olga Noguera
David Sholes
John Thompson
Dorothy Zimmering
Members of the Commission staff
Ruby G. Moy, Staff Director
Ki-Taek Chun, director, Eastern Regional Office
Fernando A. Serpa, civil rights analyst, Eastern Regional Office
Scheduled speakers at the morning
William Shuey, executive director,
International Institute of Rhode Island
Linda Katz, Rhode Island Health Center Association/Rhode Island Coalition on
Immigrants and Refugees
Gretchen Bath, Rhode Island Legal Services
Sister Marlene Laliberte, executive director, the Genesis Center
Unscheduled speakers:
Joseph Lee, executive director, Socio-economic Development Center for
Southeast Asians
Patricia Martinez, executive director, Progresso Latino
Bernie Beadreau, executive director, Rhode Island Community Food Bank
Scheduled speakers at the afternoon session:
Susan Sweet, Department of Human Services
Peter Simon, assistant medical director, Division of Family Health, Rhode Island
Department of Health
June Tancredi, acting officer in charge, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization
Unscheduled speakers:
Marlene Harrington, immigration staff assistant, Senator John Chafee s
Nerelys Consuegra, Senator Jack Reed's office
Christopher R. Labonte, legislative assistant, Congressman Robert Weygand s
Mr. Lee.
Good morning. I'm glad you could attend this consultation on the Impact of the
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 on Legal
Immigrants in Rhode Island. We are the Rhode Island Advisory Committee to the
United States Commission on Civil Rights. Before I introduce the Committee
members and our guests from Washington, let me tell you a little bit about the
Commission and its work with the Rhode Island State Advisory Committee.
Our primary role is to gather pertinent information in our
State and to report back to the Commission. Today's consultation is one in
which we seek to inquire into the effects of the Personal Responsibility and
Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 on legal immigrants in Rhode Island.
In addition to hearing presentations from our speakers, the
Committee would also appreciate any background materials, data, surveys, written
reports that any of the participants may be able to provide to help us with a
better understanding of the situation. This meeting will run from 9:20 to 5:30,
and we are very pleased to have knowledgeable people from all of these areas to
come to talk to us about this issue.
Let me just, before we begin, read a welcoming statement from
the Governor who, unfortunately, couldn't be with us today but sent his
greetings. He writes:
Congratulations to the Rhode Island Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights for undertaking the consultation examining the impact the Federal welfare reform has had on the legal immigrant population within the State of Rhode Island. This is an important and vital consideration. By bringing together representatives of affected groups, including the Hispanic, Cambodian, and Russian immigrants; civil rights and immigrant rights advocates; community service providers; Federal, State, and local officials; and the general public, you are giving our State the chance to highlight the actions that we have taken to work in tandem with the Federal changes.
I want to thank you, General Treasurer Nancy Mayer, Malvene Brice, Lester Hilton, Olga Noguera, David Sholes, Chhem Sip, John Thompson, Norman Tilles, and Dorothy Zimmering for all of your efforts on behalf of the preservation and expansion of civil rights within our State and Nation.
Signed, Lincoln Almond.
Mr. Lee.
Mr. David Sholes will now give us some background on this project.
Mr. Sholes. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman and
members of the Committee. Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to give you a
background of what this project is and what we intend to accomplish, but first
of all I would like to tell you what the two pieces of legislation are about
that brings us here today.
Two recently enacted pieces of legislation have dramatically
and substantially changed the eligibility of aliens for benefits in the United
States. On August 22, 1996, President Clinton signed into law the Personal
Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, the so-called
Welfare Act. This legislation dramatically altered the current welfare system
and in title IV restricted the access of legal and illegal immigrants to a wide
range of public benefits. The law also provided for changes in the Immigration
Act requiring the Immigration Service to establish a verification system to
determine the eligibility for most Federal public benefits.
On September 30, 1996, the
President signed into law the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration
Responsibility Act and provided for strict changes in the immigration policies
in this country. I'd like to give you a summary of the changes in the Welfare
Act, which is now law, and these are just the high points.
Most citizens are no longer
eligible for SSI and food stamp benefits. New immigrants arriving after August
22, 1996, are barred from Federal means-tested benefits for 5 years. After the
5-year bar, new immigrants that have sponsors must include their sponsor s
income when applying for Federal means-tested benefits until the immigrant
attains citizenship or 10 years of work.
After January 1, 1997, the
States have the option to determine current immigrant eligibility for temporary
assistance to needy families, medicaid, and other benefits. States have the
option to provide or bar State-funded programs for current new immigrants.
State- and local-funded programs may deem new immigrants, as of March 1997, and
undocumented immigrants ineligible for Federal, State, and local public
benefits. And many of these benefits which are set forth in the statute include
assisted housing, educational benefits, postsecondary education, amendments to
the Internal Revenue Code, professional licenses, loans and grants from the
States and the Federal Government.
Now, these bills have a potentially devastating impact on
legal immigrants residing in this country. Although immigrants are only about 5
percent of the population receiving welfare benefits, almost half of the $54.2
billion cuts in welfare benefits mandated by the act comes from eliminating
Federal benefits for legal immigrants.
I emphasize legal immigrants.
According to the Urban Institute, an estimated 1.2 million legal immigrants and
their families, many of whom are U.S. citizens children, will be pushed below
poverty level by the welfare cuts. These provisions will also be responsible for
almost half of the over 1 million children being forced into poverty.
The Congressional Budget Office
estimates that over a million legal immigrants will lose access to food stamps
and thousands, tens of thousands, of legal refugees will lose their SSI benefits
in the next 5 years. These losses in assistance are doubled if States exercise
the authority reserved in the act to deny additional benefits, such as the
temporary assistance to needy families, medicaid, and other benefits.
In light of these concerns and
the losses to this population group, the Commission issued a letter to the
President in which it stressed that the act specifically states that civil
rights laws that prohibit discrimination from federally assisted programs
applied to programs under the new legislation and that the Commission and State
Advisory Committees will closely monitor its implementation.
The premise of welfare reform is that people who are able to
work should be encouraged to find employment so that they will not have to
remain dependent on government assistance; nonetheless, the blind, the elderly,
and the disabled, groups that have been targeted by this act, are the least
likely to find sufficient employment to sustain themselves.
The immigrant provisions of the
act raise serious legal objections by conditioning eligibility for government
benefits based on citizen status. Citizenship status is not a prerequisite for
equal protection under the Civil Rights Act. This act, the Welfare Act,
discriminates against national origin, racial, and ethnic minorities particularly
Asians and Hispanics, who comprise the majority of the new immigrant population
to the United States over the last 20 years.
Let's look at Rhode Island.
Rhode Island's home to a large number of legal immigrants. In 1996, 2 years
ago, the last available figures show that approximately 4,114 elderly and
disabled legal immigrants in Rhode Island received SSI benefits. Also in 1996,
approximately 8,250 legal immigrants, Rhode Islanders living in approximately
5,200 families, received food stamp assistance. And it's estimated by August
of 1997 (we don't have those figures) that approximately 6,400 legal
immigrants in Rhode Island will have been removed from the Federal food stamp
program and thousands of elderly and disabled legal immigrants will not be
eligible for the Federal SSI program.
Today's consultation is an
attempt for this Committee to learn from the community about the adverse impact
of the welfare reform legislation. We would like to look at three major concerns
or focus of this consultation.
First is to determine the
nature and extent to which the implementation of the Welfare Act will have upon
the legal immigrants and their American citizen children, what will be the
adverse impact. Two is to determine if and how the State policies plan to
ameliorate these adverse conditions which will result from the implementation of
this act. And the third major issue is to learn the current efforts from the
Rhode Island congressional delegation what is planned to ameliorate the
adverse conditions that may result from the implementation of the act, in
particular of the implementation of the regulation that will be implemented
pursuant to those acts. Thank you very much.
Ms. Zimmering.
Well, let's proceed with Ms. Bath and Sister Marlene. Let's get one more
person on that panel. Mr. Lee? Okay, we have three. Good. Thank you. I
would like to mention at the beginning that I'm going to have two questions
for almost everyone who appears before us. I would like to narrow the focus, and
so I would like to know from each of you, not necessarily in your initial
presentation, one thing that you believe that needs to be changed that would
make the most difference and, secondly, what should the change be, so that I for
one hear from you something that I could focus on. Changing things one thing at
a time seems to be more possible in lots of cases than trying to generalize
changes. So if you would start, Ms. Katz.
Panel 1: Immigrant Rights Advocates and Service Providers
Linda Katz, Rhode Island Health Center Association
Ms. Katz.
Thank you. My name is Linda Katz. I'm an attorney with Rhode Island Health
Center Association, and we are a nonprofit organization that provides services
to low-income individuals, working particularly with Central Falls, Woonsocket,
and Providence programs. I also had the honor of working with the Rhode Island
Coalition on Immigrants and Refugees drafting some of the State's proposals to
have Rhode Island pick up the gaps in services and loss of assistance from the
Federal programs.
I guess I should start off now
by telling you of some of the changes happening since the Personal
Responsibility Act (PRA) passed. I don't think we can appreciate the pain and
suffering that the people who lost benefits suffered when the PRA was enacted.
Thousands of people throughout the communities were living in uncertainty for a
long period of time.
But, as most people here know,
Congress did act last year to fix some of the harshest provisions of the PRA
with continued eligibility. One group of people that Congress did not restore
SSI eligibility reform to are legal immigrants who were in the country before
August 22 and who turned 65 and may not be disabled enough to qualify for SSI on
the basis of disability, but are elderly, may not have worked for 10 years,
maybe only worked for 8 years, and they don't qualify for SSI benefits. They
may have language problems. They may have some health problems, but not serious
enough to make them eligible.
people are still threatened with the prospect of no means of support because in
Rhode Island we do not have, and some other States do, a State general
assistance program that picks up people who are not disabled, who are not
eligible, or who do not qualify for Federal benefits. In Rhode Island we still
have that one gap. The coalition did try last year to get legislation passed
that would have provided assistance to people who were not eligible for Federal
benefits, but the general assembly did not pass the program that would provide
benefits to people who were not recipients.
So right now Rhode Island does
not have a safety net program for those individuals. There is legislation that
is being proposed here in Rhode Island to pick up immigrants who are not
eligible for SSI solely because of the changes in the Personal Responsibility
Act. That target population would be people who were in the country before
August 22 and turned 65 and would not be able to get SSI.
I'd like to focus my remarks on the population of people
who come into the country after August 22, 1996, because I think that group has
become the group that really has been affected and, having advocated last year
with the coalition to try to restore eligibility for people who were affected by
the Personal Responsibility Act, August 22, 1996, was kind of the cutoff date
that we were able to say to policymakers that people who were here before that
date were living by the rules and they should be able to have the same benefits
that they had when they came to this country.
But it's the folks who come
in after August 22, 1996, that really are, and I use the term loosely,
discriminated against. Generally, we hear statements very receptive to the
arguments that we should be taking care of our neighbors whether they were born
here or moved here. In 1996, when the general assembly implemented its Family
Independence Program, which is Rhode Island's block grant program of the
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program every State set up its own
program and in 1996 said that legal immigrants would have access to family
independence cash assistance in the same way that citizens have access.
year the general assembly changed the Family Independence Act and cut back
eligibility and said that new immigrant families, children as well as their
families, would not be eligible for these benefits if they entered the country
after August 22, 1996.
So in the legislators minds,
I think, August 22 was kind of the cutoff date. That means if a family comes to
the United States and is sponsored here by a family, then 3 years down the road
something happens to one of the parents or the children are in need of
assistance, they won't be able to get help in Rhode Island.
Similarly, those families could
not get food stamps for 5 years because of the bar, and there's not a
State-funded food stamp program for them. If one of those individuals is in a
serious car accident and becomes disabled, they cannot get SSI benefits because
of the 5-year bar.
In response to your question,
Ms. Zimmering, I would say that the focus should be setting up barriers to
particularly low-income families in bringing other family members to this
country. We're saying that there's a flat bar for 5 years for accessing
public assistance. We also have set the bar higher for what income a family must
have to bring family members here. Sponsorship rules have always applied to the
public assistance program in the past where sponsors are considered available
for a certain number of years before immigrants get assistance. This combination
of the 5-year bar and the higher barrier to be able to sponsor somebody here
means that families who come here and work hard at lower paying jobs may not be
eligible to bring family members here. If they do, if those families members
come and they work hard, they can't get access to assistance here.
So to a new immigrant coming in
we're saying, "Sorry you can't access the same assistance that we give
to somebody sitting next to you who is a citizen working for the same
wage." I think those are areas of focus that we really should be looking
Mr. Klamkin. Ms.
Katz, I just want to compliment you on your work and the study that you
provided. Have you been able to quantify numbers of people who senior
citizens, for example who have been cut off or been left in the lurch, as it
were, after the August 22, 1996, date? Also,
we've been told by our staff, our staff did some work, that it's been
difficult to find any kind of definitive or comprehensive demographic data that
goes into determining how many people are affected by these changes. Do you have
any suggestions or recommendations for them? Who, for example, ought to be
compiling this data?
Ms. Katz. Well, I
think there will be information coming from the groups today that work with the
immigrant community about the number of people they feel have been affected. I
think in gathering the data, places like and this gets tricky which I think is
part of the problem of trying to quantify this. Somebody, for example, at the
food stamps program should know how many people you turned away because of the
rules. They should be able to keep better count of people who are affected by
the Federal rules.
Similarly, the Social Security
Administration should be able to tell us how many people who are elderly and
applied for assistance and have been told no. I don't think their tracking
methods on denials are very good, because often in that circumstance they would
just say goodbye without taking an application and issuing a formal denial.
I think there's also the
compounding factor of the information that's out in the community, who s
eligible and who's not, some of which is misinformation. People don't even
knock on the door. I think it's very hard to you know, we can extrapolate
from the number of people who have been on and use some percentages, but that
would be the best we'd be able to do.
Mr. Serpa. Being from
Washington and not familiar with local politics, I'm just curious how
receptive was the assembly to your efforts to make changes by a bipartisan
Ms. Katz. It was bipartisan and last year there were
some proposals from the Governor's office, originally. Then there were a few
proposals from the general assembly, both from the senate and house side. I
think the response from the general assembly and, in large part, from many of
the general assembly members on first or second generation immigrants was,
"This is wrong and we're not going to let this happen in Rhode
We're 1 of 10 States that
established a food stamp program, and each State has a different set of
restrictions. Some States only provide assistance to children; some States only
provide assistance to children and elderly. Our State said we will provide them
for anybody who was in this country or in the State before August 22.
Nationally, people understood what was happening before it happened.
Mr. Klamkin. What's become of some of the elderly
and disabled people, are you aware?
Ms. Katz. We did see massive harm with respect to if
the Federal Government had not restored eligibility for SSI recipients. We would
have seen people have their income cut by a little bit more than half. In terms
of elderly people now who would have been eligible under the old rules but no
longer qualify, again, some of the groups can give you some of that information,
and that's the group of people we need to try to quantify and find to pick up
under the State program and to make an argument that we should have a State
Ms. Noguera. I'd like
to ask you about the recommendations that you proposed to the Commission. The
point that you mention about we don't know how many people we turned out of
the doors, what will be the recommendation that you would have for the
Commission? As far as the Rhode Island regulations and for reason for denials,
for instance. We don't know how many and we don't know the reasons for
denials. So what would be your recommendations to the Commission?
Ms. Katz. Well,
the State and Federal agencies could keep better track of requests for
assistance and track denials and the reason for the denials, and that would
start to give us the new information that we need to see the impact,
particularly with people who came after August 22 of 96. I
think the other and I get a little bit leery of saying the State should track
this information I think we need to work out a way that people can make a
request and the information we extract can be tracked in a more anonymous way.
Those are certainly things referred to when tracking information. I
think we can also do a better analysis, perhaps, of people who are recipients
and what other family members may be entitled to. So I think the specific
recommendation is that we work together as State agencies, ask the right
questions so that we can get appropriate information reported back, and
therefore get a better handle on that.
Ms. Zimmering.
Thank you. Any more questions? Okay. Let's move on. Ms. Bath?
Gretchen Bath, Rhode Island Legal
Bath. My name is Gretchen Bath, and I am a lawyer with Rhode Island Legal
Services. Rhode Island Legal Services is an agency which provides free legal
representation to low-income people. I want to thank you for inviting me here
today. Linda has pretty much covered everything that I was going to say, but
maybe I can give you details on the more recent legislation on the State and
Federal level that somewhat ameliorated the effects of the Personal
Responsibility Act in Rhode Island.
And, just to summarize again,
in Rhode Island there are two large groups that still remain affected, the
elderly, nondisabled legal immigrant population who are no longer eligible for
SSI benefits or cash assistance, and, second of all, the new entries, legal
immigrants who come into the country after August 22, 1996, who are not eligible
for food stamps and to some extent for medical assistance.
So those are the two groups of
legal immigrants who are still affected in Rhode Island by these changes. People
who enter the U.S. legally after August 22, 1996, are not eligible, in general,
for food stamps, they are not eligible for cash assistance, and they are not
eligible for medical assistance, except for pregnant women and children
regardless of their date of entry.
I will agree with Linda also
that the new entries are the group of most concern. I think, otherwise, Linda
covered everything I was going to say about the public benefit program except
for one issue. I think there has been a lot of national attention lately in view
of the public charge provisions related to INS, and that is that nationwide
States are now getting into the business of recovering medical assistance or
other public assistance benefits that have been paid out.
Let me give you the scenario. A
pregnant woman gets medical assistance benefits in the U.S.; she's entitled to
those benefits. They pay for the cost of her delivery and childbirth and
whatever. And in this scenario the husband, who is not eligible, leaves the
country and comes back in. When he comes back in the INS says, "No, you can t
come into the country until you repay us the medical assistance benefits that we
paid for your wife while she was pregnant."
Now that's something, as I
understand it, that is a recent trend. The States are starting to recover those
benefits by contacting INS and providing information of who received medical
assistance benefits and how much those benefits were, and then that's how the
INS helps recover the State debt, supposedly. I saw this being covered recently
in a Spanish newspaper. It was a newspaper out of L.A. indicating that being an
issue in California, and, as I understand it, it's an issue among immigrants.
You have to remember that these
are lawfully paid benefits, and there is no question of fraud or overpayment or
anything else. We had recently, at Legal Services, run into a hearing decision
where the State of Rhode Island collected benefits through this mechanism,
through INS, and recovered medical assistance benefits that were legally paid to
the spouse in the situation.
We contacted the Department of
Human Services (DHS), and as I understand it, they have been working on this
issue. There was some guidance from the Federal Government to all the State
medicaid directors saying, "You can't do this. First of all, there is the
issue of confidentiality, and, second of all, you have no right to repayment in
the absence of fraud." So they have told me that they no longer engage in
this practice.
I understand that the Department of Human Services is taking
steps to reimburse the families that I guess there are two or three families
that this happened to, from what I understand. And DHS has taken the steps in
abiding by the instructions from the Federal Government. At least in Rhode
Island that should be an issue that we need to work on.
Mr. Serpa.
Historically, have you seen an increase in the people coming in?
Ms. Bath. That's a
tough question. One thing we have noticed is somewhat of a decrease in the
number of people who have contacted us because of public benefit problems since
welfare reform. We've been trying to track the number of calls that we ve
been getting, and I think it's been somewhat of a drop in the number of
requests for our services.
There's a great sense of
resignation among people that, "Well, it's welfare reform and this
happened to me and nothing can be done about it; I'm not going to bother
fighting it." There were a few hearings on those questions and appeals made
when welfare reform started to come out. Much of that was probably because they
felt there was nothing that could be done, but I think there are also many
situations where people just don't do anything about the reduction in
Our sense in our office is
there's a general feeling of resignation: "This is just the way it has to
be. My benefits were cut. This is welfare reform and essentially there is
nothing that I can do about it." I don't know if I really answered your
question, but in terms of the program, I don't know the answer to that.
Mr. Klamkin. I have a
couple of questions I wanted to ask you. One, I want to get a sense, if you can
provide us one, of the atmospherics of going before these agencies and carrying
out appeals or initiating claims. How well or poorly are people received when
they do go before, say, a hearing officer? Do you have any concerns that people s
civil rights are being violated?
Ms. Bath. Well, I think
once you get to the actual formal hearing stage that people are treated very
well. It's a formal setting and everyone's treated pretty much similarly. I
guess I would say that where I think the problem arises is in the more informal,
undocumented kinds of contacts where people might go in and say, "I don t
think this is right. Can I do something about it?" And they are told,
"No, you're not eligible. Don't bother."
Mr. Klamkin. Even when
people first walk in the door?
Ms. Bath. Well, maybe
when walking in the door or maybe walking in after a determination or after
receiving a notice terminating their benefits, and they might come and say,
"What is this?" or ask for clarification or maybe even indicate that
they want to file on appeal. My sense is from dealing with this over the past
years, there's a lot informal denial going on at the Federal, Social Security,
welfare, and DHS offices and people are told, "Don't bother with that,
you are not eligible," and they just leave.
Because that's an oral
decision about eligibility, there's no notice that goes out, there's no
appeal from that, there's no documentation, even. We get told many, many times
from clients they were orally informed that they should not bother applying. I
think, to be fair, in some cases the workers might think that that's helpful
rather than questioning their immigration status or whatever or requests for
benefits. They think they are helping the person out by simply sending them
away. I think in Social Security, for instance, what we've seen is someone
going in to request benefits and they don't take an actual application. They ll
just say, "Oh, no. You're really not eligible. You shouldn t
apply." And they will be sent away without an application being taken, and
that means sent away without an actual denial on the record. So I would say that
the problem is in the more informal denials, the oral denials, rather than at
the actual hearing stage.
Mr. Klamkin. Do you have
any concerns about the people who work for that department or do you think it
doesn't go that deeply?
Ms. Bath. Well, I
suppose one thing I didn't mention that's a problem at both DHS and Social
Security is the lack of available interpreters and the lack of notices in their
languages. That's certainly an issue that needs to be addressed at these
agencies. That's a real civil rights issue. The oral denials, I think, is just
across the board. I see it less as a civil rights issue and more of a process
issue because I think it's not limited to any certain groups of people. I
think both agencies do a lot of work in terms of notifying these people in their
own language of their rights. I know that notices are sent out in English, but
on the back of the page there is a multilanguage blurb that tells them this is
an important notice and requires their attention.
Mr. Klamkin. Do
people frequently walk in alone or do they go in with some help or do they come
to your agency only after the fact?
Ms. Bath.
Usually they come to our agency after the fact. I think it's fairly common for
people to come in with a family member when coming to apply, and that family
member or friend can be used as an interpreter in some cases. Certainly, there
are many people who come to our office who have been to an agency and bring
somebody with them because they have been told before there's nobody that
speaks their language and they have to come back and bring someone that speaks
their language. And this is a common complaint, especially at Social Security, I
would say.
Mr. Lee. I'd like to ask a question about medical
assistance. If one is no longer eligible for medical assistance, what s
happening with those people in terms of emergency care and so forth?
Ms. Bath. That population is entitled to emergency
care for actual life-threatening situations and for, obviously, labor and
Ms. Katz. We see that people who don't have access
to medical assistance coverage receive services. People who are undocumented
were never entitled to medical assistance. The loss of medical coverage has
really been for people coming in after August 22, 1996. The children are still
eligible, but elderly and disabled persons are not eligible. And we don't have
universal health insurance, so there's a whole bunch of people who are not
eligible for medical coverage whether they are citizens or not. Again,
it's a tracking issue. If a new immigrant who has a serious problem goes to
the hospital expecting to get emergency care, the hospitals may be able to get
those costs paid for them. I can't tell you the number of people that we see
qualified who previously would have been covered by medical assistance but are
not now and those who are undocumented and have never been covered.
Ms. Zimmering.
Thank you. Sister Marlene Laliberte.
Sister Marlene Laliberte, the Genesis Center
Sr. Laliberte.
I would like to thank you for inviting me here today. I'll just tell you a
little bit about the Genesis Center, what we do, who we serve, and how the
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act would affect the
The Genesis Center is a school
and support center for adult refugees and immigrants, and we provide English as
a second language (ESL), job skills, survival skills, teaching skills, and job
training. We also have support services such as child care for refugees and
immigrants. We service a great many Southeast Asians, Hispanics, and Eastern
Most of the people that we
serve are there to learn English and to move on to work. Many of them have young
children and they are in our child care centers, which service mostly children
of parents who are on welfare. I think one of the things that we see are people
who are trying to learn English. I think you've seen people and the
difficulties they have. We see a great number of people who come here who are
really trying to learn English. We service a lot of people who are very low in
English, and it does take them a long time to learn.
So to say they are going to
move from welfare to work in a very short time is kind of unreasonable, because
employers would not want them there unless they knew enough English to be able
to do the job properly. We see a lot of people trying to get into programs such
as English as a second language. There are not enough programs for people who
need to learn English. We have maybe 100 to 150 people who would like to learn
English and would like to move on but cannot do so.
One of the problems that we see
is the insufficient amount of classes for people who really want to work and get
off welfare and better themselves. And as someone who runs an English as a
second language program, to be truthful, we need more English as a second
language programs, and it should be available to anyone who needs it so that
they can move on.
Ms. Zimmering.
How long is your program?
Sr. Laliberte. Some people have stayed as long
as 2 years, but most of them are in programs where they can only stay 14 weeks,
15 weeks. And to try to learn the whole language in that time period, that s
an impossibility. We also have job training and for those we get grants from
Providence-Cranston Job Training and places like that. They are only allowed 14,
15 weeks to learn English and to do the job training. That isn't enough time.
And because they are low level, it's harder for them to get a job and they can t
move on.
Mr. Serpa. Do you offer citizenship classes and
has attendance increased?
Sr. Laliberte. Yes, we
do and yes, it has. That's our major work. We worked with 77 people last year,
and this year it was probably well in the eighties.
Mr. Lee. What are your
funding sources for the ESL program?
Sr. Laliberte. Most of
our funding is through grants. There's the Department of Education grant,
different organizations, foundations, grants, funds. The Department of Human
Services has just come out with if you have your program approved by them, then
they would give you funding to teach. We haven't really heard that that's in
effect yet.
Ms. Noguera.
I just want to go back to Ms. Bath. When you said that public charge is someone
who is coming back into the U.S. and they were stopped, what happens to that
person? How do immigration officers at the entry port know that this individual
used public services before?
Ms. Bath. I'm
not sure of the technology, but I'm sure there is a computerized system. I
assume that States provide information, provide names and amounts of debt, and
they must have some kind of way of tracking by immigrant's name or by spouse
and plug it into the computer at entry. All I really know about it is what I
heard from a client and read in hearing decisions which was they simply as soon
as he got there said, "Stop, you have a debt. You're not coming in. You
have a debt to pay first." They will not allow them entry.
Ms. Katz. I
think it's important for the panel to know that in a program like RIte Care for
us to say a immigrant who may be working at a $35,000 a year job and does not
have coverage from their employer and relies on the RIte Care program for a
pregnancy or for their children, that that somehow affects their immigrant
status. I think we have a real serious civil rights issue.
So in my mind we need to
start looking at how that assistance affects people's ability to move from
being an immigrant to becoming a citizen. And one of my recommendations would be
that the DHS, when training the human service worker, that they understand
exactly what the Personal Responsibility Act means so there's not a climate of
hostility at the Department of Human Services. People should be able to come and
ask questions and that the worker understand what their goals are because I
think there's a lot of confusion on the part of workers as well.
And this can be a broad
thing that ranges from making sure that information is tracked when somebody
asks for assistance and are not eligible to maybe seeing that people who have
eligible family members get the assistance that they need without family members
feeling insecure in coming in. I think training to help the workers understand
what the law means and how they need to apply it.
Mr. Moeuy.
Do you know what kinds of people go through your program? Such as a breakdown of
Southeast Asian people?
Sr. Laliberte. Probably
about 50 or 60 during the course of a year.
Ms. Zimmering. Thank
you very much. I'd like to review my focus, but it's not necessarily the
Committee's focus, but it's my focus, my primary interest. As you go through
your presentation, which we really appreciate having you here, if you could
indicate at the beginning, the middle or the end, anywhere in the 5- to
10-minute presentation, what change you feel would be most productive in being
made at this point and what you think the change should be. If a change could be
made, where do you see it being most productive and what do you think that
change should be. Rather than saying, "I think things should be
changed," if you could tell us how you think it should be changed, I would
appreciate that. If we could start with you, Ms. Martinez.
Patricia Martinez, Progresso Latino
Ms. Martinez.
Good morning and thank you. Thank you for this opportunity. It's really
exciting to see that this Advisory Commission is concerned about the issues the
Asian community faces, particularly as it relates to welfare reform. As I said
before I'm almost positive that I speak on behalf of most of the agencies
that are here I would like to welcome all the commissions to visit our
agencies, perhaps in the next 30 days, to meet with some of the participants who
are really being affected by this.
My agency is open to possibly having several focus groups
helping to coordinate some of these efforts and hopefully help you guys get some
of the information that you would like to get. I'm the director of Progresso
Latino. Progresso Latino is a multiservice agency. Primarily, we service the
Latino community. We were established in 78 as an agency to service the
Latino community.
What we have seen in the
last 5 years is an increase of other immigrants who are coming to our agency
seeking all kinds of services. Some of the services that we provide are day care
centers, senior citizen programs, health, education, and prevention programs,
such as lead prevention, HIV, AIDS, tobacco prevention and control. We have an
after-school program for Latino youth ages 12 to 16 years old, and we have a
large component of our adults in adult education programs, ESL, citizenship, GED,
job training.
In many cases, a lot of
our time is utilized by people who are applying for public assistance, and the
first step for them is to complete a welfare application. Those people come to
us because they don't have anywhere else to go. The office, for instance,
welfare office, does not have the personnel to assist some of these families in
filling out those forms.
Also, we assist in
helping people find housing, employment, schools, connecting the families who
are moving into Rhode Island or into the cities where we are located, placing
their kids in school, bringing all the documentations they need, and many times
just working with a lot of the agencies who are present here to refer families
and provide comprehensive services.
One of the concerns that
we have seen, although, as you heard from Linda and Ms. Bath and Sister Marlene,
I think they have said a lot of things in terms of what we have seen in Rhode
Island. I think Rhode Island has been a pioneer in terms of strides in the
effects of changes in welfare reform as it relates to the immigrant community.
However, there's still of lot of gaps.
What we're seeing right
now with this welfare reform, you must meet certain prerequisites in order to be
eligible for certain benefits or to be assisted. If not, you're not entitled.
When we started seeing the changes of welfare reform and we started seeing the
families and the people that were being targeted, it was like everything was the
basis of civil rights. It was age discrimination, which was the elderly. It was
women, most of the people on public assistance being females. It was national
origin, most of the people, as you very well stated, are Latinos and Southeast
Asians. These are the people that are being affected.
One of the two biggest
concerns that I have is the effects that welfare reform is going to have on the
immigrant community in the long run. For instance, one of the biggest problems
we have always had as immigrants is poverty. Welfare reform is causing a lot of
our families to be in even worse poverty situations than they were in before.
Another concern that I
have is their children and the dropout rates. When you look at the rates of
Latinos dropping out of school, my concern is that in 5 years those figures may
double or triple. And with that, I want to tell you Linda and everyone has
spoke about the fact that new families are not going to be eligible for some of
the benefits. What I'm afraid is going to happen is a lot of the numbers that
we may see in the near future, it's kids who are coming into the country
already 15 and 16 years old looking for jobs because mom and dad don't have
enough income to support the whole family. These kids are going to eventually
have to drop out and support the whole family.
One of the other concerns
that I have relates to housing and somebody brought up the issue of housing. I'm
seeing citizen children being punished because their parents are not citizens. I
think it unfair and think it's saying we are second-class citizens in this
Those are just some of
the concerns that I have. Along with that is the whole issue that I think it
was brought out by Ms. Bath in terms of the access and the public charge. I
think there's a lot of confusion, even among service providers, as to what is
"public charge." What we are seeing, at least in my agency, is a
family who has petitioned for their family members. Families who are in the
Dominican Republic, Columbia, Peru, whatever country, and who finally after
waiting for 5 years, 6 years, have a visa available for them and just because
that family member who is in this State at some point received any type of
public benefits, that family member overseas is not being given a visa because
his family member up here has to repay the State.
There's a confusion in
terms of, "I want to pay, who do I pay?" It's the Department of
Human Services, to my understanding, that are saying, "We don't want the
money." I mean, "We're not asking for that money." There s
also some confusion, "How can I come up with $7,000?" and "They
don't understand payment plans?" If you were given $7,000 or $10,000
worth of, let's say, medical benefits, you have to pay that amount of money
all at once. Well, I can tell you that, I don't know if any one of you have
$10,000 in the bank; I certainly don't have it, and I think that among the
immigrant community who are working families and even those who may have been on
public assistance, they certainly don't have not even $5,000 in the bank or
they wouldn't be needing public assistance services.
Along with that, because
there's so much confusion and misinformation, in terms of setting up a safety
net for the families who were receiving public assistance or who were receiving
food stamps before and provided a health service for any child under the age of
18 regardless of their family income, one of the things that we are seeing in
our agencies is a lot of these families are not wanting to access those
services. They are afraid that if they apply for those services today, that
tomorrow when they go and petition for somebody, or that tomorrow when there s
even confusion in terms of them being afraid when they go to apply for their
citizenship, that they are going to be denied that benefit.
The immigrants are always
going to be behind. They are not going to be able to access those services
because they may not be eligible for any of those services. Again, I would like
to emphasize some of the issues that were brought up in terms of employment, in
terms of poor secondary education. Some things we are seeing with some of the
families who have been affected directly are families who are already being
pushed to go to work.
As Sister Marlene
mentioned, there are some programs that allow a family or a participant to be in
an ESL program for a year or for 6 months, but after that, because their English
skills are still so low, one of the things that is happening with a lot of these
people is they are ending up in temporary employment agencies. Because their
skills are so low, they are not finding permanent employment.
These are families who
are working today. These are families who are going to a temp agency on, say,
Dexter Street in Central Falls. They wake up at 5 o clock in the morning, go
there, and sit hoping that somebody's going to call and say, "You're
going to go over to X factory today." And this is the kind of employment
opportunities we are providing some of those women. It's not giving them
enough opportunity or enough training, period, to really provide a very solid
base for them to move out of the system.
I'm just concerned with
the 5-year bar. I don't know what's going to happen after 5 years, because
if they don't gain enough skills in the next 2 years and again Sister Marlene
made it very clear, if you're trying to learn another language, if you have
very low literacy skills in your language, it's going to take longer for you
to learn English or any language in the respect that you are going to come out
with very strong skills in less than a year is very unrealistic. What was your
question? I'm sorry.
Ms. Zimmering. If you could change one thing about the
law, at this point, that you think would make the most difference, what would it
Ms. Martinez. I
think some of the things that need to change is to expand the educational
period. I think that's the key. We're
moving into the 21st century, into an economy that's no longer a manufacturing
economy. It's an economy that requires more reading and writing and thinking
skills. We cannot compare the immigrants of today with the immigrants at the
beginning of the century.
I remember when my father came
here. He was brought by a company to work in textiles. And as a textile worker,
he could leave his company today and if he wanted to work two jobs, which he had
for a long period of time, all he had to do was walk up the street and say,
"I work at such and such company on the first shift. Do you have anything
on the second shift?" "Sure, you want to start now?" We
don't see that anymore. This is not a manufacturing economy. Rather, these
people are relying on temporary employment where you may be called in today and
you may not have a job for the rest of the week. So I think that for this
economy we need to provide these people with very strong skills.
Ms. Zimmering. Any other
questions from the panel? Anyone else? Okay. We'll move right along. Thank you
very much. Mr. Shuey?
William Shuey, International Institute of Rhode
Mr. Shuey.
Along with Patricia Martinez, I have been concerned as an advocate in the
community about the impact of welfare reform and the Personal Responsibility
Act, particularly for folks who haven't been here long enough to have been
deemed eligible for social security benefits.
I think the State has come
through in a way that temporarily has kept the wolf from the door. I'm a great
cynic on the subject of law. I don't really believe laws are very you know,
it's a crude tool, I think. And I also feel, just because I'm aware from
being involved in human service work for a long time, that people are people. I
think poor people are poor people whether they were born here or not.
These distinctions in my mind
aren't very useful in the real world. Nonetheless, the law that was passed in
a sense the people who were not yet U.S. citizens were treated somehow
differently. That's not a very useful thing to do, and that's sort of
something that I think is part of where I'm coming from on this.
We, like Patricia and Joseph
Lee and like others here who are involved with the immigrant community, we have
been involved in the immigrant community since 1921. In fact, we've been
involved in helping different groups of immigrants assimilate, be it English
instruction, immigration law assistance. We have people who are on our staff who
are attorneys or paralegals who represent people who are claiming, say,
political asylum. I think it is really a response to a particular need in the
community of people's inability to afford some high-powered legal assistance
on immigration matters.
The second thing we do at
the International Institute is to teach a lot of English. Immigrants of whatever
economic background, and I must say the majority of people coming in our doors
are working; in fact, their views on the subject of welfare are interestingly
often right at center. In fact, I think, my interpretation of the welfare law is
that most Americans really thought it was a good idea to hold people on welfare s
feet in the fire. I think that s
true of a lot of people who are here. The elderly, people who are really beyond
working age, what happens to them in the Southeast Asian community, refugees,
and the Latino community is of concern also.
So those are just some
things I wanted to say. You know, and many of the concerns that Patricia
articulated regarding education and training programs. Most of the female
Latinos who are engaged in the programs have been on public assistance for some
time and are very concerned about going to work because they have very little
experience with jobs where English is, in fact, a requirement. I think the more
time they can spend learning English, to say nothing of the cultural norms of
the workplace nobody wants to hear that your kid is sick. Nobody wants to hear
about that in the workplace, particularly with these low-status, low-paying
jobs. And I think people sometimes who have been on public assistance where,
social workers are, you know, bleeding heart liberals, they don't always find
that in the workplace. I think these are the realities that many of us take for
granted, and I think the immigrant refugee, foreign-born community, really, in
my judgment, have the same obstacles as native-born poor people with the
cultural overlay. That's the end of my monologue here.
Ms. Zimmering. How long do you think, in your
experience, does it take for someone to become reasonably literate in English,
that is, read, write, and speak English?
Mr. Shuey. That s
a good question, Ms. Zimmering. I am not sure there's an easy answer. Needless
to say, what we found in terms of achievement sort of ducks taking to water,
if you're , in fact, already literate in several languages, you move through
pretty rapidly and you can move into the mainstream.
I think for folks who really
have had little time in the classroom it can take years, it can take their whole
lifetime. I think, in fact, beyond a certain age it's probably not a highly you
know, there is a sort of classic conflict between economic needs of our economy
and the citizenship issue and the issue of participation in the culture.
In many ways there are two
worlds, the business world at work and there's the world of education. I think
a short answer is the function of the person's educational background and
probably class background to some extent. Some of the most intelligent and most
incredible people are in fact illiterate, and we need to understand that if we're
talking about a pluralistic society that people with low skills can be
extraordinary contributors to our culture and our economy.
But the literacy issue, given
that it's so much more important than it was, say, when Patricia's dad was
in his prime maybe he's still in his prime, I don't know; my dad thinks he
is I think to some extent, obviously, without the literacy skills you really
are hampered. And I don't mean to say that we think they are going to compete
for high-tech jobs against college graduates. That's just not going to happen.
Mr. Moeuy. I think
learning and speaking English depends on the educational backgrounds of those
people from Southeast Asia. Most of them come here without education. They can t
read or write, so it takes them a long time. They aren't going to learn
English fast, but they are holding down jobs and are productive.
Mr. Shuey. Sure. I mean,
you're right. It's a lifetime thing. And I think many people are very
productive, working two jobs and in jobs where they aren't required to speak
perfect English, and they can do quite well, thank you. And I think that s
something to be remembered that, in fact, the bulk of the immigrants are in fact
surviving quite well and I think we need to remember that.
And I think, certainly, what I
find at the institute is, when I'm talking to my students, I've been
teaching a class this year for the first time in quite a while, and issues like
welfare are very controversial to people who work in factories for a living, and
I think people underestimate the complexity here of this that in fact, there s
a lot of sympathy among Americans of all classes towards welfare reform. That s
why Clinton was able to get away with it.
And you have to remember, what
about their kids? I think the issue is the children, your children, to what
extent are they going to be able to get mainstreamed and to really compete with
mainstream people and I think that's the question. I think that is a reality
the immigrant experiences. They make an enormous sacrifice coming here, refugee
or immigrant, and refugees, of course, are not here by choice. They are here
because otherwise they'd be dead.
And I think the Cambodian
community has adjusted so well and that the fact it doesn't have more problems
is sort of extraordinary. It has nothing to do with laws.
Then, again, my skepticism
about the legal impact of law is a function I'm a nonlawyer, I have to say,
and I'm sure there are plenty of lawyers who feel otherwise, but I think it s
important to keep in mind the whole spectrum of the community here.
One of the things about
citizenship, if I may, I think elderly people we were talking to Senator Reed
and one of our practitioners said that elderly people in particular when we talk
about Pol Pot here and these elderly people maybe didn't see their families
starve to death and suffer some in this extraordinary way that the Cambodians
Any older, elderly person has a
heck of a time with English, and if you have that as a requirement for
citizenship, it makes things harder. And then there's the content these
folks are never going to become citizens unless some sort of you know, at a
certain age you need to have some requirements waived, and as the director of
our program mentioned that is something senators should be aware of.
Mr. Klamkin. Is
there not a distinction in the law between refugees or political asylum and
immigration? Is that observed?
Shuey. Well, I think there's some concern about this with respect to this
Personal Responsibility Act, and, in fact, refugees who have not been here the
required amount of time, would they be part of the SSI cuts? And the word in the
community was that they would possibly lose their benefits, so it was a real
concern. And if these refugees have not become citizens because of the language
or whatever, then, technically, for benefits, and noncitizens don't get SSI
benefits, I mean you have a problem. The Cambodians would definitely be affected
by this.
Ms. Zimmering. Joseph
Lee, please.
Joseph Lee, Socio-economic Center for Southeast Asians
Mr. Lee.
Thank you. Good afternoon. My name is Joseph Lee, and I'm with the
Socio-economic Center for Southeast Asians. Our agency is a coalition of the
poor coming from Southeast Asia. The agency was formed in 1987. We are much
ahead of the system for the benefit of our people. I can speak four different
languages, and, as you know, Cambodian people speak completely different
languages, but we are working for a common language and that is English.
We have many different programs
from gang prevention to drug prevention, to services for the elderly, Progresso
Latino, and the Genesis Center. We serve the elderly. We have tobacco control
projects, and we serve mothers with children from 6 to 13 years old. We work
with mothers who have children from birth to 3 years old. We have substance
abuse prevention. We provide services to victims of domestic violence.
I'm here to today to talk
about the impact of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
Reconciliation Act. In my opinion, the immigrants benefits should not have
been cut from the outset because they are here legally. They work, they pay
taxes, and they should be entitled to receive help when they need it.
Fortunately, I would like to
thank our lawmakers, I mean the Senate and the House in Washington, D.C., for
restoring some of those benefits. I would also like to thank our State
legislators from the government for picking up the food stamps for the people
who lost their benefits. Without their benefits, I believe that we are impaired
because many people rely on the help and assistance, especially the elderly.
We came here as refugees as
Bill just said. We had no choice. We had to run away from communism after the
war in Vietnam. Of the refugees who came here, there are many soldiers who
fought together with the American soldiers. With them, according to what I
talked to them about, they have a feeling they have been abandoned a second
time. The first time after the war in Vietnam. We should have won that war, but
for some reason the American troops ran away, left them alone.
They could not live with the
communists; they had to run away. And now say you're an immigrant; you are not
citizen cut you off. They have a feeling as people who were ex-soldiers how
they were abandoned again. The second time that they got that feeling. The other
thing I talked to Mr. Silver about is how can I find something that would impact
after they receive food stamps and the food program benefits are restored? There
are some people who were denied because of SSI disability and are denied because
they say their health improved; that is questionable to me.
Now another problem was the
people who have been working and for some reason they've been laid off. After
employment benefits run out, they cannot find a job and no help. So there s
a problem right there. To us, we said they are people who are too old to find
jobs but too young to receive SSI.
So if we have the chance we
have to think about how to help these people at least with medical assistance
which they work and they pay taxes; now they have been laid off and after their
benefits run out, they cannot find jobs because for many English is one of the
reasons. And as opinions have been expressed, it takes a lifetime for people to
learn English.
Now we can come from another country and the level of
adjustments to the new society are different. Some people can adjust in a few
years; other people may take 10 years; other people may take 20 years. But we
say it only takes 5 years and during these 5 years they are under the pressure
of looking for jobs. They have no free time to learn English.
In our agency we only offer
vocational English as a second language in Woonsocket. We teach our people
English, and we make sure that their English is fair enough for them so they are
not going to be laid off. I remember when I first came here in 1931, luckily I
spoke English. But at that time they were trying to train our refugees for a
short time to learn English, 3 months to 6 months. I opposed that. If you train
people for 3 months before they go to a job, they come back to welfare again,
and especially if they do not have medical benefits, they are not going to work.
Not because they don't want to work, they are very hard-working people, but
they are scared of losing their health benefits.
Now, you have to work a
full-time job, learn English, go home and take care of children. Now, when they
came here there is no hope for the first generation. Their hope is for the
second generation, that the second generation would grow up with adequate level
of English skills so they become good citizens.
Also, learning English to our
people, Cambodian, is very difficult, especially for the Cambodian. They have
their own script and now in order for them to learn English they have to start
from the beginning. It's very, very difficult. Now, in our people you will
find that we have what's called a post-traumatic syndrome from our country,
but they are here now. So it distracts them from learning English.
So what I'm saying is I
suggest you should form a special committee to monitor the radio talk shows that
can really affect public opinion with regards to immigrants and refugees. The
immigrants from Southeast Asia are now no longer refugees but considered
immigrants. It is very hard for us to become U.S. citizens. It's not that they
don't want to. They want to, but the process takes too long.
Last Friday I had a staff
meeting and one of my staff told me there was an old woman, Cambodian, that had
to go back to Cambodia after living here for almost a year because her children
were not able to support her. The mother did not want to see the children have a
hard time, so rather than break their hearts decided to move back to Cambodia. I
would like to answer any questions from the Committee.
Mr. Klamkin. I want to
go back to Ms. Martinez. One of the things we heard from the earlier panels was
talk about what would be required to reimburse the government for their medical
assistance or other forms of assistance. I thought in one of the earlier panels
somebody mentioned that this was changed in some way or that this had been
reversed in some way. Is that not the case, or do you know?
Ms. Martinez. I'm not
sure. I stepped out for a minute, so maybe it was at that point when you heard
somebody refer to it. The cases that we have seen in our office are people who
have petitioned, as I mentioned, for relatives a long time ago and have waited
all these years, and finally because that person may have applied at some point
for any type of services are now in order for that relative to be given a visa
abroad, they are asking that the person makes some kind of arrangement with the
agency in the State where they are residing before the relative is given a visa
What I think I heard Ms. Bath
say was that she has seen cases where when the person is coming, meaning at the
port of entry in Miami or New York or whatever. We haven't seen those cases.
The ones that we have seen are the ones as the person goes to the embassy
abroad. That's when they are asking that. They would not be getting a visa
until they have some type of proof that the relative who has petitioned for them
has paid the State.
Mr. Klamkin. Do you see
that as a significant bar to immigration?
Ms. Martinez. I do. As I
said, one of the concerns that I have because people are hearing some of those
issues, the ones that are here, some of the elderly that may be eligible for
something or even the children who are eligible for RIte Care or even child care
services, even though child services are a State service, those families don t
even want to go near the welfare department because unfortunately you apply for
these benefits at the welfare department, and they are just afraid that if they
utilize any of the services that at some point in the future they may be denied.
Ms. Zimmering. Thank you
very much for coming. You were very helpful. Do we have Ms. Carrera, Ms.
Steingold, Mr. Beadreau?
Bernie Beadreau, Rhode Island Community Food Bank
Mr. Beadreau.
I'm Bernie Beadreau and I am the executive director of the Rhode Island
Community Food Bank and have been executive director for about 2 years. I have
a few comments about the impact of the Personal Responsibility Act on legal
immigrants in Rhode Island.
About a year ago when the
Governor's budget came out, it had some money in the budget for ESL and
citizenship classes and also money in the budget for food assistance, about
$250,000 for food assistance for legal immigrants. We joined with different
groups to eliminate childhood poverty and to basically start a campaign to get a
message to the Governor and the State legislature that that would certainly not
be enough money to take care of the human need that we were going to be seeing
and had already begun to see in our food pantries and soup kitchens, 150 of
which are members of the Rhode Island Community Food Bank stretching from
Woonsocket to Westerly to New Bedford and beyond New Bedford into southeastern
We, over the course of about 6
weeks, generated about 3,200 signatures, petitions to the State legislature,
that was coincident with the Senate Finance Committee passing a bill to
reinstate a food stamp bill that would be a State food stamp funded bill,
probably only the second or third State in the country to do so. We lobbied very
hard. We pushed and we were especially successful. The house of representatives
passed the bill; it was in the budget, and Rhode Island became one of the few
States in the country to have a State-funded food stamp bill. Not only did we
fund that, but the Department of Human Services food stamp program again,
thankfully, implemented that program in record time.
So our recommendations to this
Committee are going to be probably to keep the food stamp program going for
legal immigrants. What the food bank had done, in addition to that, was to gear
up an emergency food distribution program starting in September. We purchased
over $250,000 worth of food at wholesale prices, and through about eight key
food pantries and organizations that were located in high-impact areas where
there are a lot of legal immigrants, we distributed food.
What we found was that our food
pantry system was ill-equipped to take on a huge influx of people who were
limited in English-speaking ability, people who were foreign to the whole food
charity system which in and of itself was a process. People had to register,
they had to wait in line, and they'd get handed a bag of food, quite different
than going to the supermarket to buy your own food.
But I would have to say that
the impact of this law has been to put many more legal immigrants at risk of
hunger and suffering from hunger. Right now there are more hungry legal
immigrants in Rhode Island than there were a year ago. We know this because
people are denying themselves the access to the food that we have waiting in the
food pantry. They are afraid of the process, and, if you think about it, if you d
been put out there as the problem in our society, that's what welfare reform
did it was like, "Poor people are the reason why we have trouble in our
country." And add to that people feeling that legal immigrants are doubly
responsible for our problems in society, they do feel threatened in situations
where some parts of the community want to reach out and help them.
There's another America out
there. They are the long-term unemployed. Those are the people Patricia Martinez s
references have been in regards to manufacturing jobs. Just here in Rhode Island
there's been a loss of 36,000 manufacturing jobs in 10 years. That's a lot
of income. That's a lot of jobs there that did not require higher skills.
Again, they've been replaced, most of them by service sector jobs requiring
literacy and higher level skills.
So anyway, that's what I d
like to say about the impact of the law. It should absolutely be changed. And I
think Congress should issue an apology to the legal immigrants of the United
Mr. Sholes. Do you make
a distinction between the legal immigrant and the citizen when the person
applies for food?
Mr. Beadreau.
Not at all. The only requirement is that people indicate that they are in need
of food, and they will get food. We ask them to prove their residence, that they
have an address, that kind of thing.
Mr. Sholes. What type of
funding do you get from the State and the Federal Government?
Mr. Beadreau. Our total
budget is about a million dollars. We get routinely about $37,000 from the State
and no Federal money. Last year we got an extra $250,000 towards purchasing this
Mr. Klamkin. Has
anybody from the Federal Government asked you to keep track of the immigrant
population that you service?
Mr. Beadreau. Yes. We
worked it out with the food stamp program and the Department of Human Services
to try to keep track of that. I do have statistics back in the office where each
of our pantries have estimated the number of people that are legal immigrants,
and I didn't compile that for today.
When I compiled that in early
November, it was about 1,200 people, 1,200 households from the beginning of
September for 2 months, September and October. And I know that the numbers have
increased since then.
Mr. Sholes. What
recommendation would you make to change one thing in this program, I mean, in
these new acts that would make life better for the population that you serve?
What would you do?
Mr. Beadreau. I would
refund and put the money back in for the food stamp program and make no
distinction between legal immigrants and citizens. I would put a package
together that would put a lot of money into job retraining and education so that
it's not welfare to work, but it's welfare to training to work.
Ms. Zimmering. Thank
you. I think we'll take a lunch break now, but I would like to tell you that
later this afternoon we expect representatives from both State and Federal
offices here.
Afternoon Session
Mr. Lee.
I'd like to welcome you all back to the afternoon session of the Rhode Island
Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights concentration on the impact of
the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 on
legal immigrants in Rhode Island.
This morning we heard from a
panel of service providers and immigrant rights advocates and community
organizations, and this afternoon we'll be hearing statements from Federal and
State agency representatives. In this coming panel and in our final panel will
be statements from the Rhode Island congressional delegation. I would like to
turn the panel over to Mr. Hilton, who is the moderator.
Mr. Hilton. Thank you,
Mr. Chairman. The first speaker is Susan Sweet. And is Dr. Simon here? And
Barbara Raynor?
Panel 2: State and Federal Agencies
Susan Sweet, Rhode Island Department of Human Services
Ms. Sweet. I d
like to begin by really setting forth the kinds of programs in Rhode Island and
federally that have modified the original Personal Responsibility Act which I
often refer to as welfare reform because as we heard this morning there are
some people that would question whether in fact that that was truly welfare
reform. First of all, the State had options that it had to select, first of all,
whether or not they would have legal immigrants eligible for medical assistance
and temporary assistance to needy families. Also, Rhode Island had special
conditions in that we already had a State welfare law called the Family
Independence Act. Rhode Island opted to take both of those options to cover
legal and qualified immigrants for both medical assistance and for cash
assistance to needy families.
The second thing that this
State opted to do is to authorize and fund a food stamp program that was State
funded, that is, you'd qualify for the same number or same amount of food
benefits. The process and eligibility would be exactly the same, but if you were
no longer eligible because of the passage of the law, you would then be eligible
for the State food stamp program.
The third thing was cash
assistance for elderly disabled persons who at that point would be taken off
SSI. The State passed an authorization with funding for anyone who is elderly or
disabled and who would be taken off of SSI. The standard would be $200 a month
for anyone living in the community and $40 a month for someone who was
It turned out, because of
Federal legislation that passed, the Balanced Budget Act in 1997, that, in fact,
those funds were not needed. What happened was the Federal Government had chosen
to opt to retain pay for those people who were in the country and receiving SSI,
so we haven't yet come to the point where the State money had to be used;
however, I should point out that there's a gap in the safety net, if you will,
in that those people who were not receiving assistance still were not eligible.
And so that's a gap in the services currently.
Also, the State passed a bill
that medical assistance, regardless of not being able to participate in the
Federal funding, would be eligible if the person were in the country before
August 22, 1996, and in the State before July 1, 1997. Also, noncitizens
children would be covered under RIte Start, which provides comprehensive medical
service for children and for pregnant women. Prenatal, delivery, and postpartum
services would also be covered for any lawfully admitted resident.
We also funded a citizenship
initiative, which funded 13 community agencies for citizenship classes which
included ESL. And what happens, we hope, is to standardize and bring the level
of citizenship classes up to a standard across the State, so that even when
moving from one State to another they would be able to continue to receive
citizenship services at the same quality. In addition, Bernie Beadreau had
pointed out that they did provide $250,000 to the food bank for particular
assistance, in addition to their outpatient services to the legal immigrant,
which was less problematic after the passage of the State-funded food stamp
The legislature had passed the
program in July, and the State-funded food stamp program was up and running in
September, and really we stopped cutting people off food stamps and just kept
them on as citizens in the State food stamp program, so it was less traumatic
and less difficult for people.
All that being said, however, I
do want to point out that certainly the passage of the program, even ameliorated
by the Federal actions taken since then, which in a sense modified or appealed
some of that, and very positive actions taken by the State still do not abrogate
the fact that certainly there are numbers of immigrants who have been hurt and
certainly that has created a different way of looking at citizens versus those
legal immigrants who are not citizens, and that continues to remain to be a
problem. So with that I would be happy to take any questions or to address some
of my colleagues.
Mr. Hilton. What is one
of the singlemost problems you feel you have with the act and what would you
suggest as a way to remedy it?
Ms. Sweet. It s
going to be very hard for me to give you a single answer. Let me say that there
remains outstanding a number of issues. One is that of low-income older people
over 65 who are immigrants and not qualified under the very specific rules of
the act. There is no provision as of now to have those people on some sort of
assistance for the aged. There is some provision for the disabled, but I am
particularly concerned about the aged.
Also, there appears to be some
attempt by the President's budget to address that, but at this point covering
not only disabled but aged immigrants that are legal, the same as we are doing
for citizens, I think would be a major remedy that needs to be done.
The 5-year ban is also so
complete in terms of not having people be eligible for benefits for 5 years
regardless of their change in circumstance and I think needs to be modified to
include circumstances. And then certainly the food stamp program, which on the
Federal level I think needs to be changed so that once again legal, permanent
residents and citizens have the protection and the same respect under the laws.
Those, I think, are the most problematic things right now.
Mr. Sholes. I'd like
to ask you a few questions relating to the number of people in these population
groups. You indicated that one of the problems is the low-income immigrant group
that turned 65 that won't be entitled to financial assistance from the
government. Could you put a handle on that number?
Ms. Sweet. I
would be very happy to put a handle on that number, and this is a number that s
going to grow yearly. We were fortunate in that the Federal Government had
grandfathered to those persons who had been receiving benefits as of August 22,
1996. But what's going to happen is there is going to be a small number in
Rhode Island, perhaps 500 or 600 a year. That number is going to grow as more
people become 65, are low income, and can't receive social security.
At this point there is another
small number, perhaps 3 percent of the current immigrants who are 65 and over
who will no longer be eligible after September 30, 1998, unless Congress changes
that. So in terms of numbers, I would say it's probably less than 1,000 this
year, but it will continue to grow.
Mr. Sholes.
These people are barred from collecting social security, supplemental social
security, I think, under the act even though they've been paying taxes. They
are also barred from collecting social security benefits.
Ms. Sweet. Most
of these people would be eligible if they have a sufficient work history to
collect social security benefits but not SSI.
Mr. Sholes. I
just want clarification. So under the act this really doesn't affect their
social security benefits?
Ms. Sweet.
No, it doesn t.
Mr. Sholes. Then
you indicated that you want to change the 5-year ban. If Congress doesn t
change the 5-year ban and eliminate it, what do you think would be the minimum
number of years you put on that so this would eliminate this?
Ms. Sweet. Rather
than putting a different number on it I would rather allow for circumstances
under which the 5-year ban would not apply so there could be some flexibility. I
think it's not realistic to say that in all cases it's 5 years or 3 years or
2 years. You could have a situation where a person could lose their job, be
burned out of their home, or through no fault of their own have a terrible
illness, and I think there needs to be provisions for the human condition in any
time period.
Mr. Klamkin. Ms. Sweet,
what becomes of people who are turning 65 and are no longer eligible for
Ms. Sweet. What
happens to people who turn 65 or are disabled, are low income, and would have
therefore qualified for SSI? I don't think we know. It's very much like what
happens to all of the people who left the welfare roll. Some of them have been
able to achieve a certain level of economic independence and have jobs, but that
certainly doesn't account for all of the changes in the numbers.
Many people live with families,
who have to take the additional burden of supporting them without any help
whatsoever. Some of those people had been in the country, had worked, perhaps
are ill and fulfill the level of disability required by SSI.
I mean, we can always point to
the fact that the community has absorbed them in some way. We all also know a
lot of older people actually left this country and went back to their countries
of origin even though in many cases they have no families left there to go back
Mr. Klamkin. Are you
prohibited from offering any services to these people?
Ms. Sweet. No, there are
certain services that are available to folks regardless of their immigrant
status. Some of those are provided by food banks, by nonprofit agencies that
provide services and perhaps goods and assistance, health centers.
The Department of Elderly
Affairs has, for example, jobs for people over 55 and helps them get subsidized
employment. They have Rhode Island Family Assistance to the Elderly Program,
which is open to everybody regardless of immigrant status or citizenship status.
That pays 60 percent of the cost of the number of prescription drugs used to
treat chronic illnesses. The senior centers and meal sites are open to everyone
regardless of immigrant status or citizenship status. And there are a number of
programs that are not limited to citizens.
The problem is no cash
assistance in the form of either SSI, and then medical assistance is limited,
especially for people who have recently come to this country and don't fit
either the child or the pregnant woman profile.
Mr. Lee.
Am I correct in thinking that in an earlier period whether or not you were
eligible for SSI you could get general public assistance?
Ms. Sweet. There was a
program many years ago called Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled. That program
was essentially phased out when SSI came in. When SSI came in, it took over all
of those people who were either aged, blind, or disabled, totally State funded,
and really the SSI program is a combination of State and Federal funds. So
what happened was the Aged, Blind, and Disabled Program of Rhode Island went
away. In the meantime, general public assistance, as we used to know it, which
would help anyone who was low income and in need of that help, has been whittled
down to a very temporary assistance under very rigid circumstances, so you
really have no program to take up that slack. The
closest thing was the legislation that passed last year that would have kicked
the people off SSI, but again I should point out that those people who were not
currently receiving SSI but become aged in that they reached their 65th birthday
at this point have no recourse for any type of cash assistance.
Ms. Zimmering.
Everyone here this morning has mentioned the elderly and the weaknesses in those
provisions. I haven't heard anyone mention children. Are the children being
pretty well taken care of at this point?
Ms. Sweet.
Well, the children are right now because of the mixture of State and Federal
changes and help. They are in a better position. I'm not saying that it s
perfect. First of all, let me address the issue of documented persons. We never
really talked about that very much. Undocumented
persons are not eligible for much. They never really were. Basically, they are
eligible for emergency services, emergency medical services, really. The
children in this State, because of RIte Care and RIte Start for legal
immigrants are covered, as well as pregnant women are covered. We made that
specific choice to go further than the current State law and the Federal law
allows. So, except for these cases, very new immigrants and undocumented
immigrants, it's not as pressing a problem at is this point.
Mr. Klamkin.
You were here earlier so you heard some of the issues that came up such as
tracking people who are denied or told informally they should not perhaps even
bother to apply. I mean, is that realistic to start to track that or more
closely monitor that?
Ms. Sweet. I
think it's realistic to track the numbers of anyone who makes an application
and how many are approved or denied.
Mr. Klamkin. Do
you have any figures along those lines that you could provide the Committee?
Ms. Sweet. I don t
at this time, but we could get those. This, again, which I think has been
mentioned, there may be people who choose not to go because they might go in and
the worker might say, "Don't even bother applying. You are not
eligible." That may or may not be
correct, and, even if it is correct, it prevents us from tracking how many
people applied and were not eligible. So you have this vast number out there
that either didn't apply or came and made inquiries but didn't make out
Mr. Klamkin.
What about translation services? Has that been a problem?
Ms. Sweet. It s
always a problem, but it's less of a problem than it used to be a number of
years ago. The department does have a number of people in the field and
translators who speak Spanish, Southeast Asian languages, a number of other
languages. You are also going to get people that might walk in and have a
language that they do not have on board a translator to translate. But we also
have access to other agencies that will translate. It's not perfect but better
than it used to be.
Mr. Hilton. Are there
any other questions? Dr. Simon.
Peter Simon, Rhode Island Department of Health
Dr. Simon. Good
afternoon. My name is Dr. Peter Simon, and I am an assistant medical director
for the Division of Family Health of the Rhode Island Department of Health. Our
function is really to develop assessment information and health policy and
assure that the systems are in place that provide access to both preventative,
curative, as well as rehabilitation services for the community.
In some ways we have resources
that hopefully supplement the community based on the organization's ability to
deliver these services and fill the gaps created by these overlapping and
rapidly changing entitlements, Federal as well as State. Many of our programs do
not require legal status to be documented for participation, for instance, the
immunization program that we run.
They all pretty much ignore the
infant or the family's legal status to participate in these programs. They are
transparent if they are an immigrant with the health care industry. Most of what
the department is here to do is to provide a surveillance system, the ability to
diagnose at the community level when there are systems problems, and to answer
the question of what the implications are going to be when reducing access to
financial assistance through medical assistance, Federal finance, medicaid,
title 19, or the Federal welfare program.
We see most of the impact
falling upon families with young children. Questions about the impacts on child
health and family health probably are of a concern for the Department of Health.
One of the immediate effects that we are going to feel: too many children who
become eligible for some of our entitlement programs like WIC or early
intervention programs are going to be requiring more and more State-funded
components of their care plans since their entitlements to Federal subsidies are
lost through the legislation.
And in the case of early
intervention, which deals with infants and toddlers authorized under our Federal
special education law, IDEA [Individuals with Disabilities Education Act], we
will probably see an increasing number of services having to be financed by your
State appropriations without the ability to leverage medicaid Federal
participation or receive medicaid financing through eligibility through SSI, so
that with the programs that we have we will probably see impacts on the children
who are served by entitlement programs.
As I said before, the programs
that served all kids in Rhode Island regardless of income, regardless of
immigrant status, we probably will not see much of an impact because, again,
those activities are essentially covered by State appropriations, State and
Federal appropriations, without the requirement for determination of legal
We are concerned that if this
issue of eligibility and access to services gets any more confusing, then the
communities that are most recently arrived in Rhode Island are going to be
confused and frustrated because of the difficulties in finding out accurate
information. But I think the comments about training of our eligibility staff as
well as an outreach effort that is culturally competent is probably going to be
the most important approach that Rhode Island, both in our agency as well as all
human services, is going to have as a challenge because people are easily
Many surveillance systems that
we have indicate that we have harder and harder times facing families in
communities like Central Falls, Pawtucket, Providence, Woonsocket, where we know
resettlement from outside of Rhode Island is most concentrated. We know we're
having more and more difficulty engaging families with infants and young
children in our programs. Although we haven't completed it, we have just begun
an assessment in Woonsocket for us to understand where these gaps, myths, and
misinformation are coming from. But we are seeing an increasing resistance to
participate in some of the public health programs for women and families. Many
people have speculated that it's become very confusing and families are not
just sure what will happen if they participate. And again I'd be glad to
answer any questions.
Mr. Serpa. We
heard this morning about legislation in which immigrants or their family members
are asked to pay back health care costs before they enter or reenter the
country. Is that under your agency or department?
Ms. Sweet. DHS would be
the one contacted. In fact, that did happen a few times. What happens is
generally the person seeking to reenter the country or enter the country who has
a family member already here has applied to sponsor them. The person seeking to
bring someone in has used DHS benefits and is questioned about that, generally
at the embassy, before a visa can be issued for that person to reenter or for
that person to come in.
We have been contacted a number
of times by the person themselves, not the staff member of the embassy, not
anyone from Immigration, but by the person who was the recipient to say, "I
have to pay this back or I can't get a visa." Three times we did make
available the amount of money that that person had used in benefits. We don t
ask for the money back. This is so they can get a visa for themselves or their
family member.
However, this problem has come
up around the country, and evidently in some States, their department of human
services are stationing people even at borders to get that funding. They are
still issuing guidelines on it and we are in the process of returning these
funds to, I think, three cases. But I wanted to emphasize the size of the
problem is not with any agency in the State. The problem is that this person is
told they must repay benefits in order to become eligible. And it doesn t
happen every day, but it is happening from time to time.
Mr. Klamkin. Is there
any sense of why, or is there some inconsistency in the law?
Ms. Sweet. Overall, I
think since the passage of the new immigration laws and the emphasis on people s
immigrant status and public benefits, I think that there is more of a jealous
feeling of safeguarding public benefits on the part of some people that are
issuing visas. I'm not sure it's across the board.
Ms. Tancredi. Well,
speaking about the issue of public charges, someone who is not eligible to come
into the country if they would be a public charge, as you know, many people
probably live in the United States illegally and when they go back to get their
immigrant visa they are questioned about if they had received any benefits.
It is not the State Department
or the Immigration Service's responsibility to have someone repay back any
money that they have received, but they do have to prove to us that they will
not become a public charge. And I know this is an issue that, to be honest with
you, I know there's new things on this but I haven't read all of it. The
issue with the Welfare Reform Act and the other immigration law that was passed
recently, I should say that we're trying to make sure that people are
accountable for what they are going to do when they file the affidavit of
support, because there was no way to enforce that this person would actually be
responsible for them if they receive some assistance.
Now there is a new form and new
law in effect that will make the people who filed the affidavit be responsible.
So I think we've seen some overzealous people ask for them, but that's not
within our jurisdiction, really, to make them pay back any kind of benefits they
might have received.
Mr. Klamkin.
Just so I understand. You said that the State has reimbursed people who made
those payments?
Ms. Sweet. We're
in the process of doing that with those three cases. In fact, in one case they
reimbursed the State and then, when they got back to the country, they put a
stop order on that payment, so actually there was no transaction. In
the other two cases, we are in the process of paying those people back in
accordance with the new finance agency. New guidelines are coming out. They are
just beginning to address this problem. And we are in the middle of it, and now
we're trying to respond to whatever is considered appropriate.
Ms. Noguera.
You said that it's harder to engage families, particularly in the communities
you mentioned, Central Falls, Pawtucket, and Providence, with infants and small
children. In hearing about the public charge statements that Ms. Sweet and Ms.
Tancredi had made, one, could it be that the possibility exists that they heard
about this and they don't want to participate in any governmental programs,
and, two, these lack of engagements of families are some of the problems because
of that?
Dr. Simon.
I'm concerned that this disengagement or reluctance to participate in our
programs may lead the community to evolve into various outbreaks of disease. And
bacteria and viruses don't discriminate against people with legal status. They
are equal opportunity agents. These are the ultimate concerns of the health
agencies that we are supposed to be here protecting and promoting health in the
community. And we see a threat, a potential threat, if we don't continue to
maintain high levels of participation in some of those communitywide programs to
prevent or detect early diseases that have public health significance.
Mr. Hilton. Any
other questions? Thank you, doctor.
June Tancredi, Immigration and
Naturalization Service
Ms. Tancredi.
As an immigration service, the agency that is responsible for the naturalization
of its citizens, we have been greatly affected by the Welfare Reform Act. The
numbers of people who are applying for naturalization have increased
dramatically in recent years.
Just a few statistics here. In
fiscal year 95, 3,428 people applied for citizenship in Rhode Island. The
Providence INS office is within the jurisdiction of the State of Rhode Island.
In fiscal year 96, we received 3,239, and in fiscal year 97, we received
5,832. In these same years we've been able to swear in as citizens 1,535 in
95, in 96 it was 2,862, and in 97 it was 3,163.
Currently, the processing time
to become a U.S. citizen is about 10 to 12 months. There are many reasons for
this extended period that it takes to become a citizen. One is because there are
more people applying, and the other is that the Immigration Service in recent
years instituted new quality procedures in our naturalization processing, which
does lengthen the time.
It's put in place to preserve
the integrity and to make sure that people who are becoming citizens are
entitled to become citizens. Normally, applications for naturalization are
processed pretty much from the day they are received at the INS office. We do
entertain requests by people who are affected by some compelling reason to
expedite applications. If someone wishes to be given expedited processing of the
citizenship application, they would have to make a written request to the
officer in charge and explain the reasons needed for consideration. And we will
consider these on a case-by-case basis, taking into account our workload and
resources available.
Obviously, if people wanted to
continue their benefits they could become U.S. citizens. Before coming through
naturalization, there are certain provisions that have to be passed in order for
them to become a citizen, and many people find it difficult to qualify. I could
go over the whole procedure for you, but the basic thing is that the person who
wants to become a U.S. citizen has to be a permanent resident for 5 years, they
have to be 18 years of age or older, they have to reside, before filing the
application, in the United States for 5 years and during that period have to
have been present in the U.S.
You couldn't leave. You have
to show documentation that you've been at least here half the time (2
years). During that same 5-year period, you have to show that you are a person
of moral character and that you adhered to the principles of the Constitution.
Also, the requirements under the act require that you be able to read, write,
speak, and understand English and that you have a fundamental knowledge of U.S.
history and government.
The law does allow certain
exceptions for certain groups. If you are 50 years of age or 20 years of
residence or 55 years of age and 15 years of residence, you are eligible to take
the test for citizenship, but you will be tested in your native language. You
don't have to qualify under the English but still have to show that you have
an understanding of U.S. history and government. If you're 65 years of age and
20 years of residence, your test given on history and government is limited to
25 questions that could be asked. Usually, it's just a few questions.
Also, recently there was passed
a disability exception which really has nothing to do with the Welfare Reform
Act. This law was passed in 1984. The regulations came out just about the time
that this act was passed. So I think people interpret that this was put into
play so that people would be able to apply for citizenship who wouldn't be
eligible previously. And the disability exception applies to people who have a
medically determined mental or physical impairment which has lasted for more
than a year or will last for a year.
If you can prove that, you
would be exempt from the English and history requirement. To apply for that
benefit, you have to have a form issued by the Service, completed by a medical
doctor or a clinical psychologist, and you submit that with your application,
and we in turn make a decision whether you qualify for a disability exception.
It's important also to stress
that, even if you qualify for the disability exception, all people that apply
for naturalization are required to take an oath of allegiance to the United
States. And they must understand the meaning of that oath. So, even if you might
qualify for disability, if you do not understand the meaning of the oath, you
would not be eligible for naturalization. That's about it. If you have any
questions, I'll be glad to answer them.
Mr. Hilton. Does anyone
have a question for Ms. Tancredi?
Mr. Sholes. Under the
act, what additional requirements are there for a person to become an American
Ms. Tancredi. There have
been no changes. As I said, there's been a few exceptions about the English
requirement. The most recent change was the 65 years of age and then 20 and this
disability exception that's been in effect about a year now.
Ms. Zimmering. I
have a very brief question. In the disability exception, is there a residency
Ms. Tancredi. The
disability exception would be the same for anybody that qualifies. You'd still
have to qualify and have 5 years residency.
Mr. Klamkin.
You talked about the increase in applications and so forth; have you been able
to accommodate that?
Ms. Tancredi. It s
been difficult in my office. As I said, the Welfare Reform Act has been one of
the reasons there has been an increase in citizenship applications. Also, right
around this time, there was a legalization provision which gave amnesty to
groups of people back in the beginning of the 90s. They are also all becoming
eligible for citizenship at this time. We've seen quite a dramatic increase.
And, as I said, also, recently
they put in place new quality procedures that are very lengthy in securing
security checks to make sure that no one who has a criminal record that is
filing to become a citizen will become one. So this has been quite a task to try
to handle the new procedures to use and then to handle the many more
applications we've been getting. We're in the process of trying to get more
help right now for officers to do the interviewing. The service is going to set
up what's called "application service centers" where applicants will
go get their fingerprints taken. There are many new regulations and policies
being put into play right through Immigration Services. This has an effect on
how fast you can process these applications.
Mr. Klamkin. How
big of an operation do you have?
Ms. Tancredi. The INS is
a full benefit service office. There are about 35 employees at this point for
examination staff, which is the staff that would handle the people applying for
citizenship. We currently have two full-time and one part-time persons. I have
another person that's been out on extended leave, so we've had to fill in
and it's been a difficult time.
Mr. Klamkin.
I don't know if you were here this morning, but we heard a number of people
from various community agencies talk about how the immigrants view coming to INS
or coming to DHS as a somewhat daunting experience. Is that a fair
characterization, do you think?
Ms. Tancredi. Well, I
think if people are not aware of what goes on at the Immigration Service, they
might be intimidated, but anybody can come into the information room and request
information. This is an agency. We have officers. If you want to inquire about
what benefits you seek, you have to visit the office or call us. We try to be as
accommodating and professional when dealing with people as possible.
Dr. Simon. My
experience is it's not so much the destination that's the problem; it s
the whole path and process and difficulty negotiating for transportation, child
care, release time from work. To get into a welfare office or any Federal
agency, you have to go during work hours. Financial, shelter, food, and security
being the primary concern for the people, they can't leave work and miss that
much time. They will lose their jobs.
In the 6 years that I worked
with a lot of Asian families trying to get good maternal child health services
for about 1,600 families in Providence, it wasn't so much the big buildings or
the uncertain eligibility questions all this stuff that we would take for
granted it was they don't want to risk losing what they already have.
Mr. Klamkin. As
far as translation services, is that a problem to provide?
Ms. Tancredi. If
somebody's going to come in for an interview for benefits we should provide an
interpreter. If somebody comes just for information, we'll try to accommodate
them. Usually they bring someone with them or we have people in the office that
we could help with translation of a few languages.
Ms. Noguera. You
mentioned that you have expedited services for someone to become a citizen right
away. How many persons have used that? And also the second question that I have
is that you take the persons who are 50 years old and here 20 years or 55 years
old and here 15, they can take the examination in their own language. Is there
any part of the examination done in English even though the questions may be
asked in Spanish?
Ms. Tancredi.
No, if someone qualifies for the exception, which means they would not be tested
on the English requirement, they can have an interpreter with them. Part of the
examination is to go over the application, and they can have an interpreter with
them. We will go over every question, but the interpreter can translate.
Ms. Noguera. Of the persons who go to you, you say in 95
you took 3,000 applications and swore in 1,100 and in 96, 2,800 and then 97,
could you tell us the reason why there are differences in the numbers of persons
being sworn in? Are there any particular reasons that come to you?
Ms. Tancredi. Well, as I said, the numbers I gave you for
applications are people that applied. It's not people that did not qualify. It
also would be that the applications have just not been finalized within the
fiscal year that they were actually sworn in as U.S. citizens.
Ms. Zimmering. I have a logistics question and I'll be
very brief. I know that it is much more convenient for someone to work 9 to 5,
but are there any provisions for occasionally having evening or Saturday hours
for agencies such as yours?
Ms. Tancredi. There is no provision that I know for this
office that's going to be staying open other than regular office hours. There
is an information line available by telephone at Immigration that is available,
I think, for an extended period of time.
Ms. Zimmering. Has that ever been taken under consideration?
Ms. Tancredi. As I brought up, we have these application
service centers which are really going to take fingerprints and such. These are
going to be operating on extended hours.
Mr. Klamkin.
I wonder if people have claimed disability exception and tried to use that as an
excuse to stay, or has there otherwise been in an increase in the anxiety level?
Ms. Tancredi.
I think we're seeing people that are applying for citizenship that normally
would not have applied for U.S. citizenship.
Ms. Noguera.
What do you mean by that? Can you explain?
Ms. Tancredi.
I think they find it very difficult to meet the requirements for citizenship and
normally they probably would not have applied.
Mr. Lee. If
you had one thing to change, what would that be to make your life easier?
Ms. Tancredi.
Well, it would make my life easier if I had sufficient staff to accommodate all
these people that are requesting citizenship. That's my goal, to shorten this
lengthy time that they have to wait. There are things that are in process right
now, but unfortunately this seems like a very long time to me. We do have quite
a large population of noncitizens, but in comparison to other States in this
country we're not that bad. I know in other States the time lapses are like 2
years, but I'm trying bring it down to a reasonable time period.
Panel 3: Rhode Island Congressional Delegation
Mr. Lee.
Last, but not least, we have with us today statements from the Rhode Island
State and congressional delegations. David Sholes will moderate this panel.
Mr. Sholes.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. There are a number of people who have been
contacted and I'd like to call upon the representatives or aides from the
following members of the congressional delegation: John Chafee's office, Jack
Reed's office, and Bob Weygand's office. There's a table right up here.
Just feel free to come on
up. If there are any representatives from the State senate or the State house of
representatives? Is there anyone from the house? Thank you for coming. Perhaps
you could just identify yourself and proceed?
Marlene Harrington, Office of Senator John Chafee
Harrington. My name is Marlene Harrington. I'm from Senator John Chafee s
office. Basically, we were asked here today to discuss what efforts we've made
in the past year and a half to eliminate some adverse effects of the 96
legislation, in addition to what effort we plan on making for the coming year.
Senator Chafee, although
supportive of the overall welfare format, stated when it came out that he was
very much against some of the impacts this legislation would have. He stated he
would work for the next term to eliminate some of the adverse effects. I think
in the past year he has done just that. In April he formed State Bipartisan
Coalition Centers to introduce various immigrant acts on legislation to restore
efforts to provide these benefits, such as SSI, for local immigrants. Throughout
the summer and into the early fall, he worked to make sure the budget did
include these provisions.
Unfortunately, food
stamps was eliminated from the final budget, but SSI was restored to immigrants
receiving SSI at the time and future immigrants who became disabled in the
future after August 96. And with regard to food stamps, although the Senator
did try through this legislation to get the food stamp program reenacted, he was
But he has, in working
with the Administration, introduced a bill to bring food stamps back to the
legal immigrant. He looks forward to working with the Administration on that. He
realizes that when he introduced it, along with the other Senators, that it was
an uphill fight and that President Clinton will have a battle ahead of him to
get food stamps reenacted, as well as the medicaid program also, which the
President has also proposed restoring. He's looking forward to working with
the Administration to help get legal immigrants the rights they deserve.
I don't really want to
speak too much on his behalf. He's not here and I can't really answer
anything, but I can answer any questions on what he plans on doing and what he
has done.
Sholes. Does the Committee have any questions?
Ms. Zimmering. One of the things that we have
heard today is that one of the real hardships is to elderly who are now
disqualified from receiving assistance. You heard all the testimony. And if you
take this back to Senator Chafee and then maybe some accommodations can be
included in some of these bills being proposed.
Harrington. I believe that the President's proposal does address the
elderly. His recent budget proposal addresses the issues of individuals over the
age of 65. Senator Chafee plans on working on that and seeing what work we can
do on that. That was just recently thrown on the table last week, I think, and
it's still a little early to discuss it.
Obviously, Senator Chafee
is very supportive of the elderly in the community. As you know, he is 75 years
old right now, and he is definitely supportive of anything that impacts
adversely on elderly immigrants due to these adverse effects.
Christopher Labonte, Office of Representative Robert Weygand
Mr. Labonte.
My name Christopher Labonte. I work for Congressman Weygand and he couldn't be
here today. Congressman Weygand feels very much like Senator Chafee regarding
benefits to legal immigrants and also with how the Senator felt about the
passage of the Welfare Reform Act. The Congressman stated publicly before that
he was already against the act because of some of the harsh provisions. Unfortunately,
he was not in Congress at the time, but now that he's there he's been
working hard with the Administration and his congressional colleagues to restore
some of the benefits which were lost in the Welfare Reform Act.
Last year he worked with
the President and pledged to work on restoring some of the benefits. And in his
first year as Congressman he worked on the Budget Committee and supported many
efforts of the Budget Committee and throughout the budgetary restoration process
to restore some of the benefits, mainly SSI and some medicaid benefits, to
immigrants. The Congressman will continue to work with the Administration and a
lot of his colleagues on our side and with the Senate to restore those benefits.
This year there's so
many other benefits that need to be restored; namely, food stamp benefits for
legal immigrants. The President's budget submitted proposes to restore food
stamps for immigrant families with children, which is a very crucial benefit
that we'd be restoring, and the Congressman was pleased to see that.
For the elderly and
disabled, benefits would be restored to qualified aliens who were here prior to
the enactment of the Welfare Reform Act. And any child who comes into the
country following the enactment wouldn't be barred for 5 years from any
Federal health benefits as if they were here prior to the enactment. States do
have the option to provide benefits, so that is very important.
Also, a piece in the
budget which is presumptive medicaid benefits for women and children, the
Congressman will be looking at that very closely as the budget process
continues. Like I said, the Congressman looks forward to working with the
Administration and his colleagues in the both the House and the Senate in
restoring the food stamp benefits that are especially important to those
families with children.
Klamkin. We heard earlier about the restoration of food stamp benefits here
on the State level. Were there none of the kind of qualifications that you just
enumerated for food stamp benefits?
Mr. Labonte.
I believe States can use either title 10 or 20 money to provide food stamps for
legal immigrants. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the State did have the
option in Rhode Island, but that's just an option the States have, but are by
no means required to do that.
Ms. Noguera. I
have a concern and my concern is that, and you can take this back to your
Congressmen and Senators, the law is somehow misleading because, even though a
person will not be eligible legal immigrants, persons who come here after
August 22, 1996 for 5 years and after a year the affidavit of support kicks
in, and people are very confused because if you read the guidelines for persons
who qualify for assistance in the fourth quarter, you have to have worked at
least 10 years, and then there are all the layers of accessibility for some
services. What are the Congressmen and Senators in the State of Rhode Island
doing as it relates to the affidavit of support because immigrant families make
very little money and to put a burden upon them to support another family who
entered in the United States would be very tough what are the Congressmen and
Senators doing with this?
Mr. Labonte. I
will certainly present the Congressman with that issue. I will definitely get
that answer to you regarding that particular issue.
Herrington. The way that the affidavit of support came about was what we had
assumed was that the joint affidavit was going to be filed and that that would
make up for the fact that that would be filed for other individuals. I think
they weren t, again sort of speaking on my own behalf, I think that maybe they
weren't thinking that the joint affidavit would be a family.
Like now, you said, many
families together, combined, won't make enough money for the affidavit to be
valid, but I think that's something that will be looked at this year. At
least, I will mention it to the Senator.
Sholes. It's been brought to my attention that a representative from
Senator Jack Reed's office is here. Please step forward. You can take the
third chair.
Norelys Consuegra, Office of Senator Jack Reed
Consuegra. Good afternoon. My name is Norelys Consuegra, and I deal with
people who have immigration issues for the Senator. The Senator could not be
with us today, but he has sent me to represent him and he has submitted a
As you know, Senator Reed
did some work regarding the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act
because he believes that an important first step towards reform is to help these
people move from dependency to work. Even though this legislation was not
perfect, the Senator believed that the passage of this law was an extremely
difficult process for Members of Congress and the President.
It called for sweeping
changes that affected the lives of many. He expressed concerns about the Federal
components of the law which denied legal immigrants access to SSI, food stamps,
and other services. He believes we should work to reform our nation's welfare
system without targeting one specific group, which is women and children and
legal immigrants.
In 1996 the Senator
stated that he would work on this issue, and the promise has been kept. Last
year, the Senator worked on legislation to help restore SSI and medicaid
benefits for legal immigrants. He has supported amendments offered by Senator
Durbin to help restore food stamps to legal immigrants under the age of 18.
While this amendment failed, the Senator continued to support efforts by joining
with several of his colleagues to endorse the restoration of food stamp benefits
to foreign-born legal immigrants.
He also worked to find
funding for several other vital nutrition programs this year. In response, he
has proposed that the budget call for the restoration of food stamp eligibility
for certain legal immigrants which will restore the benefits. This issue will be
brought up in the next session in December. This budget roughly will restore the
benefits of approximately 73,000 immigrants in the year 1999.
Senator Reed does not
believe that in future these immigrants who pay taxes should be prohibited from
receiving Federal benefits. He looks forward to working with you on these
issues, and he appreciates all your efforts on behalf of the legal immigrants in
Rhode Island.
Klamkin. Are you aware of any information received by the centers or
departments, specifically in terms of the civil rights aspects of the law and
the way people are being treated when they do make application and come face to
face and ask the center for benefits?
Ms. Consuegra. I
have not been informed where an applicant was ever denied for a benefit based on
the race or nationality or gender of the applicant. Usually the people that come
through our office are people seeking information on the laws or any type of
courtesy that the Senator can provide. I don't know if we have ever received
any information where an applicant was denied based on discrimination.
Herrington. We deal with many of the same issues, and, no, I haven't heard
of this, as far as immigration issues are concerned. If I did, obviously, that s
sort of part of my job to work with the Immigration Service to try to figure out
what may have happened, but I haven't heard of anything specific.
Ms. Zimmering. One
of the issues is that sometimes there are not enough people who are fluent in
the language of the applicant to interpret so that applicants have a difficult
time understanding exactly what they are supposed to do and when they are
supposed to do it and how they are supposed to do it. They are not always
treated maybe as courteously as they could be under the circumstances or having
an interpreter provided for them.
Mr. Labonte.
Congressman Weygand feels all applicants should be treated the same no matter
what language they speak.
Mr. Lee. Two
issues kept coming up this morning. Service providers often return to the
question of training, ESL programs, and sufficiency of ESL programs to meet the
needs in Rhode Island, and training, job training and for it to have realistic
expectations in this whole process of going from welfare to work. The time
allowed for that, 5 years, really was not realistic for certain immigrants,
particularly those for whom language was a real serious obstacle and then the
other issue was training, both in getting training programs and ESL programs
that are sufficient. Is there discussion that you know of or any legislation
pending that might deal with those issues?
Mr. Labonte. Again,
the budget was just submitted last week, so obviously we will be looking for
funding for those programs. Members of the Budget Committee, I'm sure they did
make sure that adequate funds are available for those sort of programs.
Ms. Herrington.
One of the things, I think, that I definitely did see from this morning s
session that I definitely will bring back to the Senator's attention is what
Joseph Lee had mentioned about the length of time between being taught English
and trained well enough to, one, go out and get a job and, two, get enough money
to sponsor a family. That is definitely one of the issues that were discussed
pretty thoroughly this morning, and it is something that I will bring back to
the Senator's attention.
Ms. Consuegra.
Unfortunately I wasn't here this morning. I was at a prior engagement, but
recently the Senator and I have spoken about ESL programs around the State. I
come from an immigrant family. I was born here, but I had to learn English, so I
do know how important it is for ESL classes to be efficient for people,
especially when you come to a country and you don t know
what the laws are and you have to learn not only how to say your name properly,
where you live or your phone number, but you also have to learn how to operate a
computer, especially for jobs in the State. The Senator is fully aware of that.
I will make sure that I reinforce that issue that was discussed today.
Sholes. And I think Steve had asked you questions of whether the
congressional delegations felt that there were violations from a civil rights
point of view with respect to this act. I just want to take it from a different
point of view in reference to this act. Has any of the citizens or noncitizens
of this State, in asking for services or help from your various offices, ever
complained about a perceived violation of the Civil Rights Act, such as
discrimination because of racial, ethnic, or national origin?
Ms. Consuegra.
The only thing that I'm aware of is that many of the people that call our
office can't speak English. I don't know who at the INS works at the front
desk when you first walk in, but I do know a lot of them have trouble in
expressing what concerns that they have or even filling out an application, but
that's the only thing that I am aware of that. You don't get what you're
looking for because you don't speak English.
Ms. Herrington.
I think that was also expressed by June from U.S. Immigration when she said the
one thing that she would like to see changed would be the amount of caseworkers
we have employed who are fluent in other languages. The number of languages out
there is immense. In order to take applications from people with all these
languages in one organization is difficult for the amount of staff Immigration
has right now. It's pretty impossible at this point, and June's wish list
for more employees will address that, hopefully.
Sholes. I want to thank you very much for taking the time to come here today
and speaking for the civil rights of legal immigrants.
Mr. Lee.
Are there any other comments or questions? We can adjourn. Thank you.