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Civil Rights and Voting in Tennessee - Panel VI and VII

The Tennessee Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has been hosting an ongoing series of online public briefings since April 2022 to hear testimony regarding the civil rights implications of Senate Bill 8005 on voting rights and voting restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic and their impacts, including, but not limited to regulations on absentee ballots. The Committee intends to provide the Commission with their findings and recommendations on these topics. The next panel in this series will take place:

Panel VI and VII: Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm CT
Panel VI: “Community Perspectives Regarding Access to Voting During the Pandemic”
Panel VII: “Legislative Perspectives on Senate Bill 8005
Online registration (video and audio):
Telephone access (audio only): 800-360-9505, Access Code: 2760 841 3852#

Event Type
Advisory Committee Meeting
Event Date/Time
State or Territory
Media Contact
Victoria Moreno