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Puerto Rico Advisory Committee Virtual Panel on Access to Federal Programs and the Role of Race in Relationship with U.S. Government - Panel II

The Puerto Rico Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights will hold a series of virtual panels focusing on access to federal programs and the role of race and ethnicity as part of its study on the Insular Cases and the Unincorporated Territory Doctrine and its effect on the civil rights of residents of Puerto Rico. The events will include testimony from experts on this topic from diverse perspectives.

Panel 2: Perspectives on the Access to Federal Programs in Puerto Rico
Date/Time: Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Zoom Details:; To join by phone: 1-833-435-1820; 161 507 0797 #

Event Page:
NOTE: Spanish interpretation will be available via Zoom.

Committee Chair Andrés Córdova Phelps said, "The testimony received through these panels will be part of the subtopic 'Access to Federal Programs and the Role of Race and Ethnicity' in our study on the effects of the Insular Cases on the civil rights of Puerto Rico residents. We invite interested members of the public to attend and share their perspectives during the public comment session."

Members of the public will be invited to participate during an open comment period at the end of each panel. The Committee would like to hear the public's experiences and perspectives on the Insular Cases and their effects on the civil rights limitations faced by residents of Puerto Rico, paying special attention to the role of race, ethnicity, and the lack of access to federal programs. Written testimony on this issue may be submitted to Victoria Moreno at until April 14th, 2025. Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact at least 10 days prior to the meeting. Meeting materials will be available at the Federal Advisory Committee Act Database.

Event Type
Advisory Committee Meeting
Event Date/Time
State or Territory
Media Contact
Victoria Moreno