The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights congratulates the following individuals on their appointments as members of our Arkansas, California, and Pennsylvania Advisory Committees.
Advisory Committees have recently examined education funding, school discipline disparities, policing practices, mental health and the criminal justice system, legal financial obligations, human trafficking, fair housing, hate crimes, voting rights, and collateral consequences of criminal convictions. In addition to advising the Commission, Advisory Committee reports have contributed to policy changes at the national, state and local levels.
For the state of Arkansas:
Robert Steinbuch (Chair), Nicholas Bronni, Holly Carmichael, Bridgette Frazier, Kandi Hughes, Paul Love, Robert Maranto, Cynthia Nance, Susan O’Daniel, Andres Rhodes, Danielle Weatherby, and Danielle Williams.
For the state of California:
Brian Moriguchi (Chair), Chanee Franklin Minor, Jennifer Friedmann, Javier Gonzalez, Gunnar Gundersen, Darryl Hunter, Velma Montoya, Daniel Ortner, Star Parker, Clare Pastore, Alison Dundes Renteln, Rogelio Ruiz, Maimon Schwarzschild, Rachel Sigman, and Christopher Yost.
For the state of Pennsylvania:
Steven Irwin (Chair), Jessie Allan, Christopher Brooks, Mary Crossley, Andrew Cuff, Jonathan Goldstein, Daniel Janerette, Guerline Laurore, Romana Lee-Akiyama, Nathan McGrath, Angela McIver, Samuel Park, Karin Sweigart, and Hunter Tower.