The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights congratulates the following individuals on their appointments as members of our Missouri and Louisiana Advisory Committee, effective February 18, 2022.
Advisory Committees have recently examined water affordability, school discipline disparities, policing practices, mental health and the criminal justice system, legal financial obligations, fair housing, hate crimes, voting rights, maternal health, and solitary confinement. In addition to advising the Commission, Advisory Committee reports have contributed to policy changes at the national, state, and local levels.
For the state of Missouri:
David Achtenberg (Chair); Lauren Bartlett; Mark Bremer; Michael Duff; Justin Dyer; Edward Greim; Emily Huntley; Domingo Martinez-Castilla; S. David Mitchell; David Partenheimer; David Rose; Sam Swisher.
For the state of Louisiana:
Marjorie Esman (Chair); Renee Amar; Alexandra Bruce; Mariela Cruz; Melanie Donahue; Monique Edwards; Robert Garda; Robert Lancaster; Tia Mills; Jerome Smith; Frank Torres; Raheem Williams.