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U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to hold Public Briefing on Language Access for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights will hold a briefing on Friday, March 21, 2025, to examine the extent to which language barriers impact access to government services and healthcare for individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP). The investigation will explore how government agencies and recipients of federal funding provide language access, the challenges of language access, and best practices for improving language access.

“The Commission is dedicated to ensuring that all individuals can access the resources they need to thrive. Millions of Americans rely on government services and federally funded programs, yet too many face barriers simply because English is not their first language. This briefing will help identify solutions and reinforce our commitment to breaking down language barriers so that no one is excluded from access to essential services.” - Chair Rochelle M. Garza 

"Today, 25.7 million or 8% of people ages five or older living in the U.S. are LEP. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects LEP Americans and longstanding federal guidance has helped to ensure equitable access to government services and federally funded programs for all Americans, including LEP persons.” - Commissioner Glenn D. Magpantay.

At this public briefing, the Commission will hear from subject matter experts such as language access researchers and attorneys, federal and state government officials, community advocates, and impacted persons. The Commission will accept written materials from the public for consideration as we prepare our report; submit to no later than April 21, 2025.

News Type
Commission News
Media Contact
Joe Kim